

时间:2021-12-09 08:20:54 读后感 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  当阅读完一本名着后,大家一定对生活有了新的感悟和看法,这时就有必须要写一篇读后感了!为了让您不再为写读后感头疼,下面是小编帮大家整理的精卫填海英语读后感,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


  Today, I read an article from a phrase book called "jingwei reclamation" story.

  Jingwei reclamation is a fairy tale. Legend yan emperor had a daughter named little girl, little girl love swimming very much, one day the girl I'm very glad to come to the east China sea, so she swim and swim ah, perhaps too devotion forgot the time. It grew dark down, and at once, the dark clouds are gathering winds, this girl is mountain of pressure waves, gradually lasses sank.

  After the little girl drowned, the soul into a bird called "jingwei". The bird is very hated the sea, vowed to fill the sea. Day and night so she bit twigs and small stones to fill the sea, no matter what difficulties can not give up the idea of her reclamation. While the east China sea was always laughed at him, but she has been to throw stones and branches into the sea.

  After reading the story of "jingwei reclamation", I was jingwei persevere to the end of the spirit. Although jingwei is a bird, but constant efforts for their own goals, adhere to the stone branches into the sea every day, may really like the east China sea, jingwei is doing on one hundred cannot fill and level up the sea, but I believe that jingwei tenacity can achieve a goal.

上海gm干磨店  Jingwei persist spirit is worth me to learn. Want to go to school when I practice calligraphy, first love, but after a few days don't want to learn it, so until now my handwriting is so so, after reading this article, I regret, if I can insist on practicing, I think my words will be very beautiful. My classmates? Don't learn from me, no matter what things must stick to it.


《精卫填海》读后感 15篇01-17







