

时间:2023-11-14 09:38:05 书信范文 投诉 投稿




  Dear learns to grow learn elder sister:


  You are good!


上海gm干磨店  Wind is in perplexed in blew summer, cicada cries is the gradually reciprocal ding outside the window, the mark of examination paper is the tree cane that upgrade climbs, sunshine enlightens your elegance and talent luxuriant green. Written in water of 3 years of days, graduation is in turmoil of war as scheduled and to, youth stops abruptly in dodder along.


上海gm干磨店  Early morning, sunshine, playground, be late, back, dining room, buffet, scrip, punish a station, titter photograph is inspected, dark love, crepuscular, summer, 3 years... is this the youth that belongs to you? Write what full graduation sends word to leave a message this, the setting sun that sinks towards evening, the skirt of wind raise is placed, the white school uniform that having washing powder sweet smell... this is best you, unrivaled you!

上海gm干磨店  清晨,阳光,操场,迟到,背影,食堂,小卖部,纸条,罚站,偷笑相视,暗恋,黄昏,夏天,三年……这是属于你们的青春吗?写满毕业寄语的留言本,傍晚下沉的落日,风扬起的裙摆,有着洗衣粉香味的白色校服……这是最好的你们,举世无双的你们!

  Hear " teenager " 2 words, should with commonplace and exclusive, you are 8 seventeen years old, this age, whole world is you. Learn to grow learn elder sister people, do not need hesitation, also not need balance. Your all-conquering, omnipotent also. And the doubt item that inspects other is like jack-o'-lantern of small cup small cup, go boldly your nocturnal road!


上海gm干磨店  The university entrance exam is approached, whether are you met confused? Whether can you be at a loss? Do not be fear of, using hot tear to face is with blame or faulty, the life that who does not have will be ideal all the time, but whatever moment should look to ahead, be full of a hope to be met invincible. If fear really, that closes an eye, open again open one's eyes, perhaps be smooth. Wanted to give certain effort only, that brave ground forth, no matter the result is good,be bad, you do not have a regret. Should know long wind defeats billow to meet sometimes, hang the sea of cloud sail aid continuously.


  Teenager with respect to this such, modest is mixed and madcap, proud and calm, fling caution to the winds the place that goes going after a heart to, be indifferent to failure, wanting to pick a bit always also is honor permits no turning back.


  Teenager of 8 years old seventeen always is sending light, what deities confiscated the mankind is cowardly, this makes your green dynamic. Wish you do not forget first heart, stand fast ego, wish you expect cordially forever tomorrow, wish the world Liyi Yi that your station has deep love for in oneself is unripe brightness, wish you forever young, heat up a tear to be filled with the socket of eye forever, conceive one antrum of Gu brave forever, wish you return still is a teenager!


  "Love your Gu body to walk along dark alley, love you not the about of genuflect, love you to had confronted each other acedia, do not agree to cry, love your tattered clothes, the gun that dare block a destiny up however... " the university entrance exam is 1000 army 10 thousand horses squeeze single-plank bridge, what say like libretto place then is same, learn to grow learn elder sister people, the person that do brave of a Gu.

上海gm干磨店  “爱你孤身走暗巷,爱你不跪的模样,爱你对峙过绝望,不肯哭一场,爱你破烂的衣裳,却敢堵命运的枪……”高考乃是千军万马挤独木桥,那就像歌词所说的一样,学长学姐们,做一个孤勇者吧。

上海gm干磨店  Teenager not dread years is long, those still just has halo to be in. There is a view outside the window, the wording and purpose of what one writes has an outlook; Lowering one's head is problem sea, looking up is roc Cheng. Wish you the university entrance exam surelies win finally, autograph of golden a list of names posted up! Go to farther place seeing brighter light, wish you have a future to be like bright and beautiful future!


  Your's sincerely


  With high respect!


上海gm干磨店  Your learn younger sister


  On May 30, 2022

上海gm干磨店  2022年5月30日










