

时间:2022-02-16 17:49:13 电影观后感 投诉 投稿




  电影功夫熊猫英语观后感 篇1



上海gm干磨店  在这部影片中给我印象最深的画面还是浣熊师傅在厨房发现熊猫只要有了食物,就会实现它原本不可能实现的事。浣熊师傅就利用食物了引导它学功夫。这一画面,给我的印象异常深。我深深的体会到浣熊师傅的用心良苦。师傅它以引食学功夫的方法来刺激熊猫学功夫的兴趣,熊猫也明白这是激起它学功夫的兴趣,但它没有放弃,而是更加勤奋和刻苦的坚持学下去。熊猫的'这种不屈不挠的奋斗精神永远留在我的心中。同时我也从熊猫这种精神中想到自我的亲身经历的一件事。



  Today at noon, our classmates watched "Kung Fu Panda" together.

  The protagonist of this movie is an ordinary panda. The main story is that this panda passed through his self-confidence, the trust of the raccoon master, and diligent and hard-working martial arts. When he encountered difficulties, he did not give up easily. Finally he worked out a good martial art to defeat Taro. The film praised the panda for believing in himself, not giving up easily, and working hard and hard.

  The most impressive picture in this film is that the master raccoon found in the kitchen that as long as the panda has food, it will realize what it was impossible. The raccoon master used food to guide it to learn kung fu. This picture gave me a very deep impression. I deeply experienced the good intentions of Master Raccoon. The master stimulated the pandas interest in learning kung fu by citing food and learning kung fu. The panda also understood that this was arousing its interest in learning kung fu. Pandas indomitable fighting spirit will always remain in my heart. At the same time, I also think of a personal experience of myself from the spirit of panda.

  It was a year of winter vacation. My mother thought I was lacking in writing a diary, so I asked me to write a diary every day. After listening, I was very reluctant. Every time I said a few words, I lost the following, and finally gave up writing a diary. I was ashamed to think of it at this moment, which is not comparable to the protagonist in Kung Fu Panda.

上海gm干磨店  After watching the Kung Fu Panda, I understand these truths. There is nothing impossible in the world. I must believe in myself in all things. Do n’t give up the opportunity easily when encountering difficulties. In my future studies, I always keep in mind the movie "Kung Fu Panda". The protagonist in is an example and takes every step seriously and strives to be a useful person for society.

  电影功夫熊猫英语观后感 篇2

上海gm干磨店  今天,我看了一部电影,它的名字叫功夫熊猫。



  Today, I watched a movie whose name is Kung Fu Panda.

上海gm干磨店  The storyline of the movie is this: There is a panda named Apo who lives on selling noodles. Although he loves martial arts, he does not. One day, a place where teaches martial arts will choose the samurai warrior, because a bad wolf with super martial arts has escaped from prison and needs a person to defeat him. There were five heroes at that time, tigers, cranes, monkeys, praying mantises and snakes, and the dragon samurai were among them. Abo wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was, but the door was closed. Cleverly, he used the power of fireworks to descend from the sky and landed in front of the tiger without any deviation. As it happens, Master Turtle is announcing who the Dragon Warrior is, and he is selected. The raccoon master was very dissatisfied and shouted to the turtle master: "That fat panda should not be a dragon warrior, you choose the tiger." The turtle master said: "Everything is possible, the fat panda will defeat the bad wolf." Sure enough, After a period of hard training, Abo finally defeated the Bad Wolf.

  电影功夫熊猫英语观后感 篇3

上海gm干磨店  我最近看了一部名叫《功夫熊猫》的电影。《功夫熊猫》,是一部以中国功夫为主题的美国动作喜剧电影,该片以中国古代为背景,其景观、布景、服装以及食物,都充满中国元素。像《功夫熊猫》这样以中国景色为背景的外国电影让中国动画界反思为何国外电影人可以借助中国元素拍出这样好的电影。


上海gm干磨店  看了这部电影,我被熊猫阿宝永不放弃的精神感动了。我也要像他一样,遇到困难永不放弃,直到达成目标。

  I recently watched a movie called "Kung Fu Panda". "Kung Fu Panda" is an American action comedy movie with the theme of Chinese Kung Fu. The film is based on ancient China, and its landscape, scenery, clothing and food are full of Chinese elements. A foreign movie like "Kung Fu Panda" with Chinese scenery in the background makes the Chinese animation industry reflect on why foreign filmmakers can make such a good movie with the help of Chinese elements.

上海gm干磨店  The movie "Kung Fu Panda" tells the story of a clumsy panda determined to become a master of martial arts. At first, Master Red Panda did not trust this clumsy panda, A Bao. The distrust of Master Red Panda made A Bao desperate. Seeing that a huge danger is coming, it is at this moment that Master Red Panda inadvertently discovered the potential of Panda Abao and decided to explore this potential. Using a special teaching method, Master turned Abao into a master of martial arts in a short time. After getting the real martial arts cheats, Abao opened the cheats, but was surprised to find that the cheats were empty. So, Master decided to deal with Snow Leopard himself, and let A Bao and his few apprentices lead the valley people of Heping Valley to flee. On the way to Abaos escape, his father told him that his familys ancestral noodle soup didnt actually have any secret recipes. The secret to the taste is the noodle itself! A Bao suddenly thought that the empty one could reflect his own cheats. He suddenly understood that there were no cheats at all, and what the cheats expressed was that the highest state of martial arts was himself! So he decided to go back and help Master Raccoon defeat the dragon! After a fierce battle, A Bao defeated the dragon, saved the valley, and brought peace to the valley with his understanding of martial arts and the martial arts taught by the master.

上海gm干磨店  After watching this movie, I was moved by the spirit that Panda Abao never gave up. I have to, like him, never give up when encountering difficulties until I reach my goal.










观《功夫熊猫》有感 15篇11-21
