

时间:2021-01-31 13:05:46 日记 投诉 投稿
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上海gm干磨店  At eight o'clock, my mother told me to get up as usual for dinner. I didn't get up.


上海gm干磨店  I woke up at half past ten. After half an hour of tweeting and watching two TV series, I finally decided to get up. After I went down, I had a glass of water, and then I saw my snacks. So I moved a small Mazar, took snacks, sat on the balcony in the sun.


上海gm干磨店  First I ate a Snickers, then I went back to the living room to make a milk tea. After Snickers finished eating, I opened a bag of my own chips. When the milk tea was too hot, I drank it slowly. There is no one on the way, and I don't know what everyone is doing at home. Will it be as boring as me. Listen to my dad watching the TV drama clip in the mobile browser. It sounds like Yang Rong's. After a while, I thought it was too dazzling, so I turned around and continued to eat potato chips and drink milk tea with my back to the sun. My dad asked me to go to lunch, and I refused. Keep eating my chips. I don't know how many chips can I eat at a time. Can I have ten? I can have ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Listen to Yang Mi's voice on TV, and then hear "Guli". I know it's a small age. I didn't expect my dad to watch this.

上海gm干磨店  今天太阳可真大啊,我可以趁太阳能水热去洗个澡了。真是个好主意。洗完澡不想吹头发,我决定让它晒晒太阳自己晾干。但是在阳台看电脑屏幕太黑了,so我只好转移到沙发。看完四集电视剧我决定和我妈玩一哈。

上海gm干磨店  The sun is so big today. I can take a bath while the solar water is hot. That's a good idea. I didn't want to blow my hair after the bath, so I decided to let it dry in the sun. But it's too dark to watch the computer screen on the balcony, so I have to move to the sofa. After watching four TV series, I decided to play with my mother.

上海gm干磨店  四点半,被我妈叫去吃饭,算是晚饭吧。吃完后在客厅溜达了溜达然后拿起手机刷抖音。实在太无聊了我又去缠着我妈撒泼打滚。“好无聊啊啊啊啊” “无聊你上大街,现在大街上可一个人都没有。人家说的对,老实待在家,不给国家添麻烦。”

上海gm干磨店  At half past four, my mother asked me to have dinner. It's dinner. Tiktok in the living room after eating, then pick up the mobile phone to shake. It's so boring that I go to pester my mother again. "It's so boring." boring, you go to the street. Now there is no one on the street. They are right. Stay at home and don't give the country any trouble. "

  现在六点半,我又躺在了床上,拿着手机,也不知道该干点啥。 哦对,闲得我称了个称,成功胖回了五斤!!! “我明天不吃东西了!哼!”

  Now at half past six, I'm lying in bed with my cell phone, and I don't know what to do. Oh, yes, I've weighed my leisure. I've gained five Jin of weight successfully!!! "I won't eat tomorrow! Hum!"










