
英语作文:现代人才的定义 Modern Concepts of Tale

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上海gm干磨店英语作文:现代人才的定义 Modern Concepts of Talent

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英语作文:现代人才的`定义 Modern Concepts of Talent

上海gm干磨店  As the society changes rapidly, many things will change soon afterwards. It is said that having only one advantage is not enough to come off first in this highly competitive times. Therefore,more appropriate description of a talent is one characterized by his or her mastery of at least two kinds of professional skills, besides having a comprehensive grasp of expertise. What do you think about the other two skills would be except their expertise. In my opinion, it would be communication skill and personal quality.


上海gm干磨店  First of all, communication skill is necessary in every part. Every position needs its own specific requirement. Ifyou can sit on that position, you must have mastered that professional skill.Everyone will be the same for this point. But communication skill is also another indispensable skill, which not everyone can do it. You can’t only workwith quiet hard application, because you have to cooperate with your colleagues and your leader and maybe your customer. If you handle all these well, you musthave more chance to get promotion than others.

上海gm干磨店  首先,沟通技巧对于方方面面都是有必要的。每个岗位都需要其自己的专业要求。如果你能够坐在那个岗位上,你肯定是掌握了该专业技能的。这一点上每个人都是一样的。但沟通能力却是另一个不可或缺的技能,这并不是每个人都能做得到的。你不能只是埋头苦干,因为你还得和你的同事和领导还可能是客户合作。如果你能把所有的事情处理好,你肯定会比别人获得更多的晋升机会。

  Secondly, personal quality is another important factor. As the modern people are more and more capable, the publical ways put more attention on their personal quality. Everyone wants to make friends or employs a person with good quality. A good quality person can make others feel comfortable and trust him. No matter in any situation, the people with good quality must be more thought highly of.

上海gm干磨店  其次,个人素质也是很重要的因素。由于现代人越来越有能力,大家总是把更多的注意力放在他们的个人素质上。每个人都想和素质高的人交朋友或做员工。一个素质高的人可以使别人感到舒服并且信任。不管在任何情况下,高素质的人都是获得比较高的评价的。

  In general, as the definition of modern talent has change. We need to chase the trends. Pay more attention on communication skill and personal accomplishment. It must be fit for the need of the current society.

上海gm干磨店  总的来说,现代人才的定义已经变了。我们需要跟上潮流。多留意沟通技能和个人素质肯定是符合当今社会的需要的。

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