

时间:2023-04-28 19:03:40 作文 投诉 投稿
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上海gm干磨店  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的英语作文6篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


英语作文 篇1

  Honesty is the chief and most honored virtue in this country. Being dishonest is, for Chinese, a shameful thing. But, to my dismay, more and more people are seen engaged in open and rampant dishonest activities nowadays. It seems that people no longer cherish honesty. Students devise various strategies to cheat in examinations, write false resumes in job-hunting, etc.. Businessmen wouldn’t stop selling fake and inferior commodities unless they are caught. Athletes desire to get an advantage over competitors by adopting stimulants. In a word, dishonest phenomena exist in every corner of the society.

  However, I still value honesty because being honest benefits all of us. For instance, if businessmen are honest in product promotion or sale, their customers will get genuine satisfaction and will return to buy more, which is a win-win situation. We are partners in this interdependent world. If we could compete and cooperate in an honest manner, that is to say, on an equal footing, all of us would reap huge benefits and achieve greater success sooner or later.

  In conclusion, it pays to be honest. I sincerely hope that people from all walks of life would be honest in their daily lives.

英语作文 篇2

  Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music is fast, classical music is great, and children’s music is interesting.You can pick and choose whatever you like.很多人喜欢音乐。它有很多种类:轻音乐很优雅,摇滚乐很快,古典乐很伟大,儿童音乐很有趣。你可以挑选 任何一种你喜欢的。

上海gm干磨店  Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception. My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family.现在流行歌曲很流行。如果你喜欢音乐,一般你也会喜欢唱歌的。我也不例外。我的'哥哥和我喜欢流行歌曲,而我的父母喜欢听轻音乐。我们是一个音乐家庭。

上海gm干磨店  Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really great! I like it very much.你喜欢音乐吗?你的家里也充满音乐吗?音乐真的很棒。我非常喜欢它。

英语作文 篇3

  Does Higher Education Cease to Be Useful?

上海gm干磨店  In the current climate of rising college fees andtight job market, the functions of higher education isarousing public concern. Having a degree or notseems not to make any difference to our life and maynot necessarily guarantee a good job and income.

上海gm干磨店  Students who attend higher education obtain awide range of personal, financial and other lifelongbenefits. First of all, the whole experiences of university life including all the academic lecturesand social practices forge our personality and cultivate such virtues as cooperativeness andopenness. In addition, according to the statistics, there is a trendy correlation betweenhigher level of education and higher earnings despite the fierce job hunting competition.University is a huge advantage if we need to acquire expertise to practice in a meaningfulprofession.

上海gm干磨店  In my opinion, it would be wise to attend university. Having a decent degree and beingbroadly intelligent may not guarantee us success, but it makes us a candidate.

英语作文 篇4

  The orangutans never come close to the city, often in the rainforests, like our ancestors, living in caves. They often play, play, and eat ants in the jungle. If you are in the summer night in the suburbs, you can't even hear the roar of the orangutan! They seem to be very clean, often combing their hair with their own hands. But unlike the gorilla monkey, will be at the top of the tree thrashing around. In order not to be found by the enemy, they are all under the tree. They do not shake any tree or accidentally put a tree a punch rustling. The orangutan is very powerful, but it will never attack you as long as you don't provoke it.

  We came to watch it in front of the gorilla, I saw him in the impatient walking, face a sad face, as if to escape from this "animal prison", to return to the embrace of nature. Suddenly, a naughty little boy walked over, and in front of it, yelling. The chimpanzee, who was in a bad mood, was insulted and was completely irritated. It ran around the wall, running and beating up its chest. The little boy cried out in fear, and I was scared. After a while, the gorilla stopped calling. I imitated it to beat the breast with my hands, who knew that the gorilla saw it, and thumped his breast, and called it, but on his face it was a happy expression. At this time, I was shocked: the gorilla beat breast not angry? Why it can be so happy, not just the bare teeth, is not on the chest there are other gorillas?

  With the progress of science and technology, chimpanzee is also regarded as the "experimental product" of human beings. For example, humans have been trained to open space shuttle to space exploration. Now chimpanzee can even play a computer! Wow! So smart, so great! I like chimpanzee because it's smart, cute, and a bit naughty. Second only to human beings, chimpanzee is probably the "Einstein" in the animal. Well... Maybe future science and technology can teach chimpanzee to speak!

英语作文 篇5

上海gm干磨店  目前家长为孩子请家教是一种普遍现象。前几年多见于初、高中学生,现在有些小学生也请家教。父母们如此舍得花钱和忍心占去孩子的时间,究竟是为什么呢?某中学生英语报正在征文,了解其中原因。请根据下面所给的标题和首段内容,分析慢、中、快三类学生请家教的原因并说明你对家教现象的`态度。注意:词数100词左右。


  1.慢等生:catch up with sb. ; become dependent on sth.依赖……

  2.中等生:surpass vt.超过

上海gm干磨店  3.快等生:more competitive 更有竞争力的


  Les’s take one class, either in primary or high school, as an example and divide it into three groups: the slow, the middle, and the fast learners. In the past, the slow learners used to have tutors. Today, however, it seems all of them have tutors for one reason or another.

  The slow learners need tutors because they can’t catch up with others with their own efforts. They have difficulty in understanding the teachers and doing their homework.. So after – class tutoring is really important to them. But the problem is that they may become dependent on tutors and not work very hard in class.

  As to the middle group learners, they worry about being surpassed and turn to tutors, too.

上海gm干磨店  What about the fast learners? Though they are confident about their present position, they are not quite satisfied. They fix their eyes on a high goal. They desire to learn more in order to be more competitive later.

  I think they have the right to have tutors, though I have no tutors.

英语作文 篇6

上海gm干磨店  We will have a beautiful classroom. There will be a satellite TV on the frontwall of our classroom.

  Each of us will have a computer on the desk.We can study on the Internet. We will not use pens or pencils.

上海gm干磨店  Wewill write on theourcomputers. It won't be hot in summer and won't de cold in winter.

  I like our future classroom.I hope that the arrival of this day as soon as possible.










