

时间:2023-05-16 09:27:33 作文400字 投诉 投稿
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英语作文400字 篇1


上海gm干磨店  上学第一天,认识英语课的老师是冼老师。她胖胖的,矮矮的,脸色红润,有着一头乌黑发亮的短头发,就像一顶黑黑的帽子戴在她的头上一样。她唯一的缺点就是胖。可经历了下面几件事后,我改变了对她的看法,她成为了我心中最美的老师……

上海gm干磨店  “轰隆隆”,巨大的雷声响彻天际,吓得我忍不住打了个寒颤。外面下着倾盆大雨,天就像被涂了墨水一样黑。而我却因为没有带伞而被迫留在学校。我正望着外面黑乎乎的天空发呆,心里想着:该怎么回家啊?正当我在发愁的时候,冼老师看见了我,走过来关切地问:“怎么了?还不回家呀?”“我没带伞,回不去。‘’说完只见冼老师犹豫了一下,也不知道她在想什么。她突然说道:“你撑我的伞回去吧,我自己有办法回去。”于是,她把伞递给了我。此时,我的心头涌上一股暖流。我说:“谢谢您,老师!”“不用谢。快去吧!”于是,我撑着老师的伞,消失在了雨幕之中。


上海gm干磨店  看,这就是我心中的最美老师!

英语作文400字 篇2

  When summer holiday comes, I always go back to my hometown and spend the time with my grandparents. I like the life there, it is so simple and happy. Living in the countryside, I feel the peace in my heart. It seems the days become longer. In the morning, I hear the cock make out the sound, as if it is singing, then I wake up. Sometimes I will go to the mountain and I can hear some birds singing. I enjoy listening to these birds’ sound. I am so close to the nature. I love everything that the nature brings. The green tree, the colorful flower, the clean water even the fresh air. I find its beauty.

英语作文400字 篇3


上海gm干磨店  Tom’s Room

上海gm干磨店  Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room?




英语作文400字 篇4

  Today, I went to the grandma's home with my father and mother for the Dragon Boat Festival.

上海gm干磨店  We came to the home and the supermarket, Dad, mother to buy things, I saw our classmate Ji Guanqing, we two in the supermarket speaking, suddenly found a bird's nest on the next big tree fell down a bird egg, but the bird's eggs have broken, we are very sad.

上海gm干磨店  We came to grandma's house in Dongying. Grandma looked at the dumplings, and I went to help. I first curl the bamboo leaf into a cylinder, then put all kinds of stuffing into it, then pack the zongzi into four corners, then tie the zongzi well with the line, and put it in the pot for an hour, and we eat the delicious zongzi.

英语作文400字 篇5

上海gm干磨店  放学回家,我看到奶奶戴着一幅厚厚的老花镜,戴着一对耳机,嘴里念念有词:“A,B,C,D……。”

上海gm干磨店  我放下书包,悄悄地走过去,看见录音机在播放着呢!天哪,奶奶怎么学起英语来了,前两天她还说我在学“鸟语”,怎么现在奶奶学起“鸟语”来了。

上海gm干磨店  我做完作业,要听录音了,我走过去对奶奶说:“奶奶,我要听录音了!”奶奶也许听得太认真了,并没有察觉我在她身边。我大声喊:“奶奶”。这才回过头来,说:“这玩意挺好玩的',你给我买一个吧。”我听了,差点晕过去。奶奶又发话了:“孙女,banana是香蕉的英文,是吗?再借我听听呗。”我唉声叹气,真是哑巴吃黄莲——有苦说不出,只好耐心等待。


上海gm干磨店  晚饭过后,奶奶以火箭般地速度冲向录音机旁,嘴里冒着一长串的“泡泡。”我尴尬死了,录音机被霸占了。现在又不能听了,只好等到奶奶走了后再听。



英语作文400字 篇6

  As we know ,Books can tell us a reason ,Reading in the summer, enthusiasm, no one would deny that summer hot and passion, read you, will you read a passionate summer. Book is not only knowledge of treasure, but our mentor, it can teach us how to composition and how to do it. In the us alone, it like a great friend as comfort you. A difficulty, it will give us the answers, Encounter difficulties, it will help us and give us strength. Reading water, is the source of life, Reading flower, life is the emotions, Reading is a kind of comprehension, reading is soil, is cultivated flowers resources.

英语作文400字 篇7

上海gm干磨店  最近,老爸心血来潮决定开始学英语。今天我一大早就被老爸那不流利的“morning……”给吵醒了。老爸啊老爸,你学就学,可这一大早扰我清梦,把我吵得一点儿都睡不着了。



英语作文400字 篇8

  One possible version:

  There’s no doubt that parents have given me a lot since I was born. With their care, I grow up happily. So I think it is necessary to do something special for them to show my gratitude.

  Both of my parents love music. So it would be a great idea to buy a wonderful CD for them. Last Sunday, I went to a bookstore and chose one among the top 10. While we were having dinner together, I played the CD. It was beautiful. With great joy, they gave me a warm hug and a big smile. I felt very sweet.

  I was really proud that I did something for my parents. Their smiles were the best encouragement for me. I made up my mind to do things like this more often.

英语作文400字 篇9


  It's snowing! It's snowing! Finally it's snowing! This is the first snow this winter!

上海gm干磨店  刚开始下的是小雪,等我们放学时已经下成了大雪,大片大片的雪花漫天飞舞!小草、树木都带上了雪白的帽子,雪花飞进我的`脖子里凉嗖嗖的。雪要是能在下大些,我们就能堆雪人、打雪仗了。

上海gm干磨店  At the beginning, it was light snow. When we finished school, it was heavy snow. Large snowflakes were flying all over the sky! Grass and trees were all covered with white hats, and snowflakes flew into my neck. If the snow can be bigger, we can make snowmen and have snowfights.

英语作文400字 篇10

  I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl! One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was happy to hear that. Maybe you will say, “It’s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.










