

时间:2022-06-09 19:29:54 过年作文 投诉 投稿
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英语过年的.作文 篇1

  The Chinese New Year is a traditional festival in China, and it is also the most familiar festival for all of us. So, do you know how it comes from?

上海gm干磨店  There is a legend of a named “ ” the monster, when the new year when “ ” people will come out to eat, or to. So, every time in the middle of the night, people fled to the mountain, in case of “ ” eat.

上海gm干磨店  One year, people still climbed to the mountain as usual, but came to think the old man was not afraid of &ldquo at all; ” he would eat him. But a good old lady said to him, “ run fast! ‘ ’ coming! ” the old man is still laughing. He said “ you gave me a night of time, I would have ‘ year ’ drive away the ” So between the old lady, he put the red paper on the door and window, opened the lamp, waited for “ ” At the same time, this year is not the same as in the past, and heard a great noise. “ ” the monster called and ran.

上海gm干磨店  On the first day of the year, people came down from the mountain to find that the village was safe and safe, and the old man told all the villagers that he had done everything. From then on, people shot each family during the new year, so that the lights could not be extinguished and eat dumplings.

英语过年的作文 篇2

  Many children think Chinese New Year red envelopes, relatives is the most happy, but I don't think so, I think Chinese New Year the most fun is free, have fun.

  During the festival, many relatives and friends of children with mom and dad, and I are different. Every New Year's day, mom and dad to drop around, I'll stay at home doing things they want to do.

上海gm干磨店  Want to see the animation, I turn on the TV, channel by I choose, show with me to pick, that kind of strength, not to mention how happy! Unlike at ordinary times, someone will rob remote controller with me, also forced me to see the columns you don't like. Want to read, I took the book and eat melon seeds, while watching, want to see how many pages, I have the final say. Unlike at ordinary times, reading a book on, content, number of pages, I can not say a word. Want to play basketball, I took a ball, to find a have a stadium casually, want to how to play just how to play. Play tired, exercise training on the machines. Unlike usual, play ball, still have to ask for instructions, if do well, probably by, on the other hand, is a reprimand.

  The fun of the Chinese New Year is really too much. For me, the day of the lunar New Year, I am the well-connected sun wukong, heaven let me! Not happy just strange!

上海gm干磨店  许多小朋友认为过年收红包、走亲戚最快乐,但我不那么认为,我觉得过年最大的乐趣是自由自在、玩得开心。


上海gm干磨店  想看动画片了,我就打开电视,频道由我选,节目随我挑,那种自在劲儿,别提有多快乐了!不像平时,总有人跟我抢摇控器,还强迫我看自己不喜欢的栏目。想读书了,我就拿本书,一边嗑瓜子,一边看,想看多少页,我自己说了算。不像平时,看书就得一门心思,内容、页数规定得一清二楚,由不得我说半个字。想打篮球了,我就抱个球,随便找个有球场的地,想怎么玩就怎么玩。玩累了,就在健身器上锻炼锻炼。不像平时,玩一会儿球,还得请示,如果表现出色,有可能通过,反之,则遭一顿训斥。

上海gm干磨店  过年的乐趣实在是太多了。对我而言,过年的日子,我就是那神通广大的孙悟空,大闹天宫任由我行!不快乐才怪呢!

英语过年的作文 篇3

上海gm干磨店  The Spring Festival is coming, and every house is a scene of excitement.

  Big year 30, my father ask me to paste spring couplet together, I say to father: "spring couplet should stick square is positive?" Dad said, "you are so smart!" I helped my father to hold the stool, and under the command. With my help, we posted the Spring Festival couplets. I see many people in the stick couplets on the Spring Festival, content is good lucky for you, sing praises of the motherland and so on, such as "very spring scenery, wanli inati", "blooming flowers, bamboo to peace", "spring people frequently, the progressiveness"...

上海gm干磨店  When he got home, his father was ready to paste the word "fu", and he put the word square. I said: "the lucky word should be upside down, blessing will arrive ah!" My parents praised me more than before, I am very happy.

上海gm干磨店  How happy the Spring Festival is!










Preparing for the New Year过年准备英语作文12-03