

时间:2021-01-01 17:46:28 过年作文 投诉 投稿
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上海gm干磨店  I like Spring Festival best. Because the Spring Festival can not only escape my mother's wordiness, escape from the mountain of homework, but also get the lucky money from my elders, and have fun with my sisters, so happy!


上海gm干磨店  The Spring Festival is coming. It must be a piece of snow with white flowers. At that time, I can make snowmen with my sisters, which is better than to see who can make snowmen. Or I can have a good time playing snowball Wars... I can't help laughing when I think about it. It's so beautiful!

上海gm干磨店  今年春节,我要到难得一去的外婆家,过年时要给外婆拜年,外婆一定会满脸笑容,给我发个大红包;舅舅会怎么发红包呢?哈哈,原来他要举行知识问答,我只要说出一个吉祥的成语他就会给我发一百元。这可难不倒我噢,我一口气连说了五个,获得了五百元的大红包,十分开心。过年也有很多的亲戚来家里玩,一起吃个开心的团圆饭!

  This Spring Festival, I'm going to my grandmother's house, which is a rare place to visit. During the Spring Festival, I'm going to pay a new year's Eve to grandma. Grandma will smile and send me a big red envelope. How can my uncle send a red envelope? Ha ha, it turns out that he wants to hold a Knowledge Q & A. he will give me 100 yuan if I say a lucky idiom. It's hard not to fail me. I said five in a row and got a big red packet of 500 yuan. I'm very happy. New year also has many relatives to play at home, have a happy reunion dinner together!

上海gm干磨店  听,鞭炮声、孩子们的欢笑声,不时地从大街上传来;看,五彩缤纷的烟花不时在空中绽放,真好看呀,我痴痴地想着。

  Listen to the sound of firecrackers and children's laughter. They come from the street from time to time. Look, the colorful fireworks are blooming in the air from time to time. It's so nice to see them, I think fondly.

上海gm干磨店  盼呀盼,想呀想,可是春节为什么还不来呢?每年一次的春节为什么不长一双大翅膀,快快飞到我身边呢?盼啊,盼啊,盼春节!

上海gm干磨店  I hope, I think, but why hasn't the Spring Festival come yet? Why don't a pair of big wings fly to me every Spring Festival? Look forward to the Spring Festival!


  盼星星,盼月亮,盼了365天,我终于盼到了朝思暮想的春节。 我之所以那么爱春节,是因为有以下几点。 理由之一:可以睡懒觉。现在我们坐车的小朋友一大早就起床去上学,那可恶的闹钟一早就响了,还没有多睡几分钟,妈妈就把我狠狠的拉了起来,现在学校过春节放假了,我终于可以大睡一觉了,一直睡到中午,拉开窗帘一看,天气多好啊。心里真是太舒服了。 理由之二:可以吃到许多好东西。也许这些菜的味道不会低于5饭店。有红烧大排,肯德基等可口的饭菜。我或许还能收到亲戚家送得许许多多的巧克力、糖果和零食。现在你一定和我一样,已经在擦那欲垂三尺的'口水了。 理由之三:可以放烟花爆竹。只要到9点之后,我们全家都要出去放烟花。每当我们出去的时候邻居家都已经开始放了。我和妹妹在屋子里看着千万户人家放的烟花说:“真漂亮啊!” 我盼春节,盼春节,春节啊,你快点来吧!

  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to 365 days, I finally look forward to the yearning Spring Festival. I love Spring Festival so much because of the following points. One reason: you can sleep in. Now our kids get up early in the morning to go to school. The disgusting alarm clock rings early in the morning. Before they have a few more minutes to sleep, my mother pulled me up hard. Now it's Spring Festival holiday at school. I can finally have a big sleep. I sleep until noon and open the curtains. How nice the weather is. I feel so comfortable. Reason two: you can eat a lot of good things. Maybe these dishes will not taste less than 5 restaurants. There are braised pork chop, KFC and other delicious meals. I may also receive many chocolates, sweets and snacks from my relatives. Now you must be like me, already wiping the drool of three feet. Reason 3: fireworks and firecrackers can be set off. As long as after 9 o'clock, our family will go out to set off fireworks. Every time we went out, the neighbors started to let it go. My sister and I are looking at the fireworks from thousands of families in our house and say, "it's beautiful!" I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, and I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival. Hurry up!



  Time flies like an arrow. Half a semester has passed in a twinkling of an eye. Grandpa winter took Miss Qiu. Grandpa winter dressed the earth as a world wrapped in silver. The long-awaited spring is coming soon. When I think of spring, I can't help smiling.


  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally the Spring Festival is coming.


上海gm干磨店  With 30 days left for the Spring Festival, I began to look forward to it. I wish today is the Spring Festival. I wish I could write 300 words for the Spring Festival. The reason why I am looking forward to the Spring Festival is simple: I can wear new pants and clothes; I can spend a lot of money on New Year's Eve. You can also enjoy delicious food

上海gm干磨店  春节,可以舒舒服服在家里睡懒觉,每天早上睡到9点。平时为了读书都必须6点半起床。热乎乎的被窝已成了“我的梦想地盘”。

  During the Spring Festival, you can sleep in at home, and sleep until 9 o'clock every morning. Usually in order to read, we have to get up at 6:30. The warm quilt has become my dream place.

上海gm干磨店  春节,见了老亲戚,他们都会说:“哎呀,穿得挺漂亮的,又长高了一截。”每年春节 ,我总是能拿到许多压岁钱。每晚我都会躲在被窝里数钱。奶奶给了200元,三姑妈给了100元 ,大姑妈给了100元 ……去年拿了1000元 ,不知道今年能拿多少元 ,希望比去年拿的更多。虽说离春节还有一个月,我早就开始分配这些钱了。200元给爸爸和妈妈买个小礼物,其它归我私人所有,买些书、小饰品。

  During the Spring Festival, when I met with my old relatives, they would all say, "Oh, I'm very well dressed, and I've grown taller." Every Spring Festival, I always get a lot of lucky money. Every night I hide under the covers and count the money. Grandma gave 200 yuan, aunt gave 100 yuan, aunt gave 100 yuan Last year I got 1000 yuan. I don't know how much I can get this year. I hope I can get more than last year. Although it's a month before the Spring Festival, I've already begun to distribute the money. 200 yuan for father and mother to buy a small gift, the rest belongs to me, buy some books, trinkets.


  Spring Festival is coming soon. I miss you so much.


上海gm干磨店  盼星星,盼月亮,盼了365天,我终于盼到了朝思暮想的春节。 我之所以那么爱春节,是因为有以下几点。 理由之一:可以睡懒觉。现在我们坐车的小朋友一大早就起床去上学,那可恶的闹钟一早就响了,还没有多睡几分钟,妈妈就把我狠狠的拉了起来,现在学校过春节放假了,我终于可以大睡一觉了,一直睡到中午,拉开窗帘一看,天气多好啊。心里真是太舒服了。 理由之二:可以吃到许多好东西。也许这些菜的味道不会低于5饭店。有红烧大排,肯德基等可口的饭菜。我或许还能收到亲戚家送得许许多多的巧克力、糖果和零食。现在你一定和我一样,已经在擦那欲垂三尺的口水了。 理由之三:可以放烟花爆竹。只要到9点之后,我们全家都要出去放烟花。每当我们出去的时候邻居家都已经开始放了。我和妹妹在屋子里看着千万户人家放的烟花说:“真漂亮啊!” 我盼春节,盼春节,春节啊,你快点来吧! 盼星星,盼月亮,盼了365天,我终于盼到了朝思暮想的春节。 我之所以那么爱春节,是因为有以下几点。 理由之一:可以睡懒觉。现在我们坐车的小朋友一大早就起床去上学,那可恶的闹钟一早就响了,还没有多睡几分钟,妈妈就把我狠狠的拉了起来,现在学校过春节放假了,我终于可以大睡一觉了,一直睡到中午,拉开窗帘一看,天气多好啊。心里真是太舒服了。 理由之二:可以吃到许多好东西。也许这些菜的味道不会低于5饭店。有红烧大排,肯德基等可口的饭菜。我或许还能收到亲戚家送得许许多多的巧克力、糖果和零食。现在你一定和我一样,已经在擦那欲垂三尺的口水了。 理由之三:可以放烟花爆竹。只要到9点之后,我们全家都要出去放烟花。每当我们出去的时候邻居家都已经开始放了。我和妹妹在屋子里看着千万户人家放的烟花说:“真漂亮啊!” 我盼春节,盼春节,春节啊,你快点来吧!

  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, looking forward to 365 days, I finally look forward to the yearning Spring Festival. I love Spring Festival so much because of the following points. One reason: you can sleep in. Now our kids get up early in the morning to go to school. The disgusting alarm clock rings early in the morning. Before they have a few more minutes to sleep, my mother pulled me up hard. Now it's Spring Festival holiday at school. I can finally have a big sleep. I sleep until noon and open the curtains. How nice the weather is. I feel so comfortable. Reason two: you can eat a lot of good things. Maybe these dishes will not taste less than 5 restaurants. There are braised pork chop, KFC and other delicious meals. I may also receive many chocolates, sweets and snacks from my relatives. Now you must be like me, already wiping the drool of three feet. Reason 3: fireworks and firecrackers can be set off. As long as after 9 o'clock, our family will go out to set off fireworks. Every time we went out, the neighbors started to let it go. My sister and I looked at the fireworks put out by thousands of families in our house and said, "it's beautiful!" I hope for the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival, come quickly! I hope for the 350 words of the Spring Festival composition, the stars, the moon, and the 365 days, and I finally hope for the spring festival that I miss all the time. I love Spring Festival so much because of the following points. One reason: you can sleep in. Now our kids get up early in the morning to go to school. The disgusting alarm clock rings early in the morning. Before they have a few more minutes to sleep, my mother pulled me up hard. Now it's Spring Festival holiday at school. I can finally have a big sleep. I sleep until noon and open the curtains. How nice the weather is. I feel so comfortable. Reason two: you can eat a lot of good things. Maybe these dishes will not taste less than 5 restaurants. There are braised pork chop, KFC and other delicious meals. I may also receive many chocolates, sweets and snacks from my relatives. Now you must be like me, already wiping the drool of three feet. Reason 3: fireworks and firecrackers can be set off. As long as after 9 o'clock, our family will go out to set off fireworks. Every time we went out, the neighbors started to let it go. My sister and I are looking at the fireworks from thousands of families in our house and say, "it's beautiful!" I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival, and I'm looking forward to the Spring Festival. Hurry up!



  The long-awaited Spring Festival is coming, full of jubilant atmosphere. Many small supermarkets are full of colorful fireworks and firecrackers. There are many street vendors selling Spring Festival couplets at the entrance of the subway. It's really bustling!

上海gm干磨店  不过,最热闹的还是大街上,随处可见的人山人海。马路上更是车水马龙,就连高架桥上也堵车。超市里的生意也红火了起来,只要刚走近超市门口,你就能看见大门前挂满了大红灯笼啊!当然,进了超市,你会看见里面一大片红黄喜庆的颜色,又是卖春联啊.又是卖过年装压岁钱用的大大小小的红包.各种各样好看的红灯笼,看着

  However, the most bustling is the streets, where people can be seen everywhere. The road is full of traffic, even on the viaduct. The business in the supermarket is also booming. As soon as you get close to the door of the supermarket, you can see that the front door is full of red lanterns! Of course, when you enter the supermarket, you will see a large area of red and yellow festive colors, which sell Spring Festival couplets, as well as large and small red bags for new year's eve money. All kinds of good-looking red lanterns, look


上海gm干磨店  These colorful and dazzling shelves are full of new year's products. My eyes are full of flowers. KFC McDonald's lines up downstairs, as if they were going to eat all the delicious food around during the holiday.

上海gm干磨店  我一直很盼望热闹非凡的春节马上就要到来了!还得我再耐心的等待几天它才会来!知道我为什么盼望春节到来吗?因为,春节一到,爸爸妈妈便会带我去外婆家了,过节时,外婆家人多更热闹,那可是我假期里最喜欢去的地方哦

  I have been looking forward to the Spring Festival coming soon! I have to wait a few more days for it to come! Do you know why I am looking forward to the Spring Festival? Because, as soon as the Spring Festival arrives, my parents will take me to grandma's house. During the festival, grandma's family is more lively, which is my favorite place to go on holiday










