

时间:2022-03-27 08:11:51 写人作文 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  无论是身处学校还是步入社会,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编收集整理的妈妈的唠叨英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。



  &Can you hurry up. "OK, now.". Ah, when I talk about my mother, I think of her endless nagging. All day my father and I were surrounded by a lot of nagging from her. Just a few days ago, I was so tired that I couldn't catch my breath.

上海gm干磨店  今天,我和爸爸在家里看电视,也许是没看到妈妈在打扫卫生,我俩又喊又叫,被妈妈逮了个正着,妈妈发火了,“你们两个不知道我订的‘家庭法规’吗?”,“邹佳彤,罚你打扫卫生三周”。爸爸在那里偷偷笑,一副毫不相干的样子,妈妈又说“别得意,邹佳彤,罚你爸爸一个月不许动电脑”。“什么,我罚得可比爸爸重呀”妈妈又来了“你知不知道,你的叫声连楼上的阿姨都听见了,难道你就不知道‘家庭法规’吗?”哎,我说不过妈妈,只好甘拜下风。

上海gm干磨店  Today, my father and I were watching TV at home. Maybe we didn't see my mother cleaning the house. We shouted and yelled again and again. My mother caught us. My mother got angry. "Don't you two know the" family regulations "I ordered?" "Zou Jiatong, I will punish you for cleaning for three weeks.". Dad secretly smiled there, with an irrelevant look. Mom said, "don't be complacent, Zou Jiatong, punish your dad for not using the computer for a month.". "What, I'm more punished than my father." mother came again. "Do you know that your cry even the aunt upstairs heard it? Don't you know the family law?" Ah, I can't say anything about my mother, so I have to bow to the wind.


上海gm干磨店  The next day, when I went to school, my mother said to me, "Zou Jiatong, are you full? If we don't have enough, we will not concentrate in class. If we don't concentrate, we will be found by our teachers. If we are found by our teachers, we will invite our parents. If we invite our parents, our father and I will not work well. If we don't work well, we will be expelled by our leaders. Once we are expelled, we will... " I was afraid that my mother would say "goodbye" as she ran away.

上海gm干磨店  妈妈这几天出差了,我们家冷冷清清的,在也听不到妈妈那说不完的唠叨,顿时,我和爸爸觉得很不自在,说实话,妈妈说了那么多的唠叨,到底也是为我们好,妈妈现在虽然出差了,但她那永远也说不完的唠叨,永远也会在我们的耳边回荡。

上海gm干磨店  Mom has been on a business trip these days. Our family is cold and clean, and we can't hear mom's endless nagging. Suddenly, dad and I feel very uncomfortable. To be honest, mom said so much nagging, which is good for us. Although mom is on a business trip now, her nagging, which will never end, will always reverberate in our ears.


  I love my mother, my father and I hope her nagging will never stop, because it is the warmest "nagging spring" of our family!










