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  女排精神大学英语作文带翻译 篇1

  Chinese womens volleyball team once achieved great honor in the last century, their spirit of never giving up inspired so many people. But during the last decade, as the old volleyball players retired and the new ones were not stronger enough, the team met difficulty. While winning an important match announced their return.

上海gm干磨店  中国女排曾经在上个世纪取得了极大的荣誉,她们永不放弃的精神激励了很多人。但在过去的十年中,由于老一代排球运动员退役了和新人还不够强,团队遇到了困难。然而在赢得了一场重要的`比赛后,女排宣布了她们的回归。

  Last night, Chinese womens volleyball team had an very impotant match against Brazil team in the Rio olympic games. The hope to win was very very little, because Brazil team was such strong, they were the champion of last two olympic games and Chinese team only won one match for the last 18 records. Whats more, almost all the audiences supported Brazil team.

上海gm干磨店  昨晚, 在里约热内卢奥运会,中国女排有一场很重要的比赛,对阵巴西女排。赢的几率非常小,因为巴西女排很强,她们两届奥运会的冠军,中国队只赢了一场比赛在过去的18场记录中。更重要的是,几乎所有的观众都支持巴西队。

  It seemed to win the match was not possible for the Chinese team, but the girls were very strong and insistented to fight for the last mimute. Even they lost the first game, they never gave up. Especially for the last two point, they were so brave and finally won the match.


上海gm干磨店  This is the spirit of womens volleyball team, we saw these girls fight for the last minute, they are the best team.


  女排精神大学英语作文带翻译 篇2

  In our country, everybody is proud of Women’s Volleyball team. In the 1980s, they had won the world championships five times, which helped the team become the symbol of strong will. But no one can win all the time, since 2004, the team had met the setback and 11 years later, the new team won the championship again. What an inspiring story.


  The women’s volleyball team is favored by everyone. In the TV, their matches will be showed, people will watch and yell for them. My parents told me that their idols were the women’s volleyball players, because they were moved by their tough spirit. I have witnessed these girls at the top and then started to fall, now they have come to the top again. They never give up.

  女排为大众所喜爱。在电视上,她们的每场比赛都会播放,人们观看并且为她们呼喊。我的父母告诉我他们的偶像就是女排队员,因为被他们的坚强精神感动。我目睹了这些女孩们站 在顶峰时期,然后开始下滑,如今她们再次回到了顶峰。她们是永不言弃的。

上海gm干磨店  In last 11 years, the women’s volleyball team had experienced the bad time. They were in the turning period, the old players retired and the new players were not strong enough. Though these girls did not play well, they practiced hard and finally come to the top again. I am so moved, they deserve the biggest applause.


  女排精神大学英语作文带翻译 篇3

上海gm干磨店  We all know that the Chinese women volleyball team beat the Serbia to claim the gold medal of the women's volleyball tournament at Rio 2016 Olympic Game.This news has convinced us and reassured us that the Spirit of China Woman Volleyball does exist. It seemed to win the match was not possible for the Chinese team, but the girls were very strong and insistented to fight for the last minute. Even they lost the first game, they never gave up. As the saying goes,”Never give up.”

上海gm干磨店  What it implies is that in order to achieve our goals,we should never give up,even when we are in adversity. There is a silver lining and be positive and hopeful in times of darkness.Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the stories of some famous people,such as the story of the famous inventor Edison,who argued that genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.As we all know,Edison invented the light bulb.All things are difficult before they become easy.

  So it follows that whatever we do,we will inevitably encounter difficulties and frustration,even setbacks.What’s more,in time of this inevitable darkness,it is fruitless to curse or complain;rather be positive and to get ready for the sunshine.Positive thinking will let us do everything better than negative thinking do.

上海gm干磨店  When light comes with opportunity,a positive attitude is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. In conclusion,I think we should always keep the three words “Never Give Up” in mind, keep a positive thinking and silver lining will be the best assurance all though.We should try our best to pursue our dreams.


上海gm干磨店  这意味着,为了实现我们的目标,我们永远不应该放弃,即使是在逆境中。有一线希望,在黑暗中要积极乐观。在这里,我想不出比一些名人的故事更能说明这句谚语的了,比如着名发明家爱迪生的故事,他认为天才是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水。众所周知,爱迪生发明了灯泡。所有的事情在变得容易之前都是困难的。

上海gm干磨店  因此,无论我们做什么,都不可避免地会遇到困难和挫折,甚至挫折。更重要的是,在这个不可避免的黑暗时代,诅咒或抱怨是徒劳的;而是要积极乐观,为阳光做好准备。积极的思考会让我们比消极的思考做得更好。










