

时间:2023-04-11 11:45:00 专题作文 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都写过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是小编整理的我的梦想英语作文8篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。


我的梦想英语作文 篇1

  As we all knoweverybody had his/her own dream.

  Some dreamed to be a scientistothers had the dream becoming a star or even a president. HoweverI was dreaming to be a teacher when I was a little young boy. As far as I knewteachers were respected by people and they also had a high state of society as well as a farewell salary. Teachers were an honored career although they were hard working.

上海gm干磨店  All in all I dreamed to be a teacher no matter what problem I met and how difficult the situation was.

我的梦想英语作文 篇2

上海gm干磨店  I liked to play with stethoscope, plastic syringes and other toys since childhood. I like to see the baby, and I like to touch the head of the doll and say, "you are well now!"You ask me what my dream is, I tell you to grow up to be an angel in white - doctor.I want to be a doctor and because of that.

  Once I was sleeping, woke up by a cough and listened carefully. It came from my sister's room.I put on my clothes and ran into my sister's room.I patted her on the back, but she kept coughing, and I woke up mom and dad.Mother touched her sister's forehead and shouted, "it's hot. She has a fever."My father and mother immediately sent my sister to the hospital.My sister lay weakly in bed, with a thermometer in her mouth.At that time, I was very worried, but I could only look at my sister's painful expression.I'm sorry. I think it would be nice if I were a doctor and could cure my sister and get her to get up!

上海gm干磨店  If I were a doctor, I would wear a white gown, a stethoscope, a knowledgeable look, and see a patient.I can make countless sick people happy; make countless sad people happy; make countless people, get happiness, return to the family.Let more people's health, family happiness.As long as my family is ill, I will do my best to cure my family so that they can recover soon.

  I think I can make my dream come true!

我的梦想英语作文 篇3

  When I was young, I had a dream, and I never shared it.

  Many students write their own dreams now, some writers, some journalists, and some police...... And talking about my dream is not so great as everyone else, so proud. Even a little funny.

上海gm干磨店  I am a very good and excellent actor.

上海gm干磨店  I think a lot of people want to be actors too!

  But I also know that actors are not so good, and when you want to be, you don't want to be. Because you have to go to junior high school and high school to be accepted by the University, so you can become an actor. When actors are filming, you cry and make you laugh. To be an actor, you must have art and imagination. Unfortunately, I don't have a chance.

  But, I believe in myself, as long as I keep on trying, nothing can not succeed. I'm sure I can walk on the road of performing arts. That's one of my little dreams.

  If you only want this dream and don't do it, your dream will never come true. If you want to do it again, your dream will be realized by your efforts. As long as you work hard, your dream will come true. I will persist in realizing my dream!

上海gm干磨店  With this dream, I have a goal of struggle, my life has changed for the better.

上海gm干磨店  I'll work in that direction.

  I believe that one day my dream will come true!

  As long as you work hard, you will succeed, and it will prove that I have embarked on the road of performing arts!

上海gm干磨店  Come on!


上海gm干磨店  现在很多学生写作文都写过自己的梦想,有的是作家,有的是记者,有的是交警……而说起我的这个梦想,并不像其他人一样那么伟大,那么令人骄傲。甚至有一点儿可笑。

上海gm干磨店  我相当一位优秀又出色的演员。

上海gm干磨店  我想,应该很多人也想当演员吧!

上海gm干磨店  但是,我也知道,演员不是那么好当得,也不是你想当就当的。因为,你一定要考上初中和高中,才会被大学录取,你才能当上演员。演员要在拍戏的.时候,要你哭就哭,让你笑就笑。要当演员要有艺术,还要有想象力。可惜,我没有机会。



上海gm干磨店  有了这个梦想,我就有了一个奋斗的目标,我的生活变的美好了。

上海gm干磨店  我会朝着这个方向努力。




我的梦想英语作文 篇4

  I want to be an artist

上海gm干磨店  Everyone has their own dreams.As for me, I want to be an artist in the future.

  To be an artist,I can draw many beautiful pictures.Now I need to learn drawing hard to make my dream come true. Be an artist, I can design clothes. Be an artist, I can do a lot of things about art!

  I want to be an artist. What about you? Do you want to be an artist?

我的梦想英语作文 篇5


  Everyone has a dream. It's what everyone wants. And he who has no dreams will live in vain. But dreams always change with the advance of thought.


上海gm干磨店  When I begin to remember, I have a dream. "I wish I had money," the adult asked. "Boy, that's a great dream. What are you going to do with the money?"" "I'm going to buy chocolates." "what if you have a lot of money?"" "I'm going to buy lots of chocolates", "what if you've got enough money?"" "I'll buy the chocolate factory."." Indeed, when we were young, we were innocent and innocent, with a good childlike innocence. Happiness and happiness were a constant movement.


上海gm干磨店  When I was young, I had a dream. I wish I could become a kite, float in the blue sky, and then fall slowly. At that time, I would like to play with my companions on the green grass, and often chase the blue sky and white clouds, so that the laughter will flow, and I will do all the colorful dreams all day long.

上海gm干磨店  认字的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望拥有一个篮球;当我抱着篮球的时候,又想要一个足球;当我踢着足球的时候,排球又成了我的'追求。再一个有一个的梦想变成现实的时候,我相信梦想其实离我并不遥远,只要耍耍孩子气,梦想就会实现。

上海gm干磨店  Read, I have a dream. I want to have a basketball. When I hold basketball, I want a football. When I play football, volleyball is my pursuit again. Another has a dream into reality, I believe in my dream is not far away, as long as childish play, the dream will be realized.


  Slowly into elementary school, high school, high school... The more you feel the pressure, and the illusion that you will not read, and that there are no happy notes.

上海gm干磨店  懂事的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望每天都不要有很多的家庭作业要做。玩耍的时间一点点被剥夺,而我们一天中40%被禁锢在教室,很多时间在学习。但是面对学习,还是一种模糊的认识。

上海gm干磨店  When I am sensible, I have a dream. I hope I don't have a lot of homework to do every day. Playing time is a bit deprived, and we are 40% of the day confined in the classroom, a lot of time to study. But in the face of learning, it is still a vague understanding.


  As the saying goes "it", the understanding of things, from feudalism to capitalism, more and more feel right.


  Start up high, I have a dream, I hope I can become a top student, get a lot of awards; by his family back home to praise; can be sure by teachers at school; to stand head and shoulders above others performance among the classmates; to become a recognized good child in the eyes of everyone. But, gradually, I found that to achieve this dream and can't rely on to childish play. After that, I learned to struggle.


上海gm干磨店  Dream is like a seed, planted in the heart of the soil, although it is very small, but can take root and blossom, if there is no dream, just like living in the desolate Gobi, deserted, lifeless. With a dream, there will be a pursuit, with the goal of struggle, with a dream, there is power. It will push people forward, perhaps in the realization of the dream of the road, will encounter numerous setbacks, but it does not matter, fall, climb up, for their dreams and progress, after all, the future is created by themselves.

我的梦想英语作文 篇6

上海gm干磨店  Everyone has a dream. Everyone's dream is different. Perhaps we are keen to fly, their ability to be able to rely on an out of the sky. Perhaps we are keen to dance in this short life left in fond memories.Our life only once, we should cherish it. Machine was no longer in your life do you want to do. Although we are still students, are studying, but we should be ahead of our future planning to do. You asked his high school What to do after graduation? Do you have to ask ourselves, What is the dream? Do you know what to do and learn? From that moment on, you ask yourself well. Since then, you may struggle with the goal, maybe you have from this program, maybe you should know how to cherish life. In that case, you will not waste his life !


上海gm干磨店  每个人都拥有梦想。每个人的梦想都不一样。也许我们渴望高飞,能够依靠自己的能力走出一片天空。也许我们渴望起舞,能够在这短暂的生命中留下美好回忆。人的.生命只有一次,我们应该好好珍惜。机不复得,在你有生之年做你想做的事。虽然现在的我们还是学生,还在念书,但是我们应该提前为我们的将来做规划。你问过自己高中毕业后要做什么吗?你问过自己,梦想是什么吗?你知道自己是为了什么而学习吗?从这一刻起,好好问问自己吧。也许你从此有了奋斗的目标,也许你从此有了计划,也许你懂得了应该怎样珍惜生命。那么,你将不荒废一生!

我的梦想英语作文 篇7

  I used to get sick in my childhood, so I had to go to see the doctor frequently. Every time I saw a smile on the doctors face, I felt safe and warm. It seemed that the doctor was the only person that the pain should be afraid of. And at very beginning, I thought I should do something in return for the doctor’s unselfish help. Of course, the best way is to be a doctor.

  To be a doctor, I know, is not easy for everyone. It requires a kind heart and a difficult process of learning. But I have the faith to realize my dream and overcome all the difficulties I have to face. For me, I’ll treat every barrier on my way as a step of a ladder through which I can achieve success.

我的梦想英语作文 篇8

上海gm干磨店  I have many dreams.For example, I want to be rich in the future. Therefore I can buy all what I want.

上海gm干磨店  But my greatest dream is that I want to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the World Cup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.

上海gm干磨店  In order to make my dream come true I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true one day.











