

时间:2023-06-04 09:29:12 专题作文 投诉 投稿




宠物英语作文 篇1

  What are petsJust the domesticated animals we keep in our home and take care ofOr perhaps more than thisFor many of us, pets are unique and individual characters, almost people in the sense of how we relate to them. We speak to them and give them the physical affection (kissing, hugging, stroking and carrying) normally reserved for our children. In this way they could even be treated as members of our families. For me, I would like to keep pets, because they act as members of my families, bringing companionship, a sense of security and life lessons of responsibilities to people, especially children. But some of my friends hate pets, they think keeping pets brings a lot of disadvantages.

上海gm干磨店  The biggest annoying thing to them is that caring pets needs time. However, I hold the very opposite opinion. More people feel alone in the busy and hectic routine of the present day world. Hence, people need companionship to avoid stress and mental anguish. It can be found that more and more people suicide because they become depressed and doubt whether they have worth. This thought will make the situation deteriorate. If they keep pets, they will be accompanied at home and can talk and play with them. These pets are good silent listeners and best secret keepers, which help people to overcome the loneliness. Furthermore, some special dogs can help disable people, especially the blind. For example, they help blind people to cross the road to protect their safety.

  Secondly, money is also an obstacle. But at the same time, most people keep dogs for their home security. When an intruder or a stranger walks around your house, dogs will bark loudly, making a noise to warn you and frighten the stranger. Therefore, you do not need to worry that burglars may break into the house. Instead, your dogs will help to protect your money and safety.

  In addition, the pets especially dogs are naughty and it should be instructed. So keeping pets can teach children to be responsible and respect life. It can encourage a child to feel accountability and help to develop a conscience and sense of responsibility, because the child feel that feeding and taking care of a pet is his responsibility to avoid the pet from danger. Moreover, children learn that pets deserve respectful treatment, just as they do. They find that pets are like humans, which also have needs and feelings, and can get hungry, thirsty and tired. They deserve caring as humans.

  In conclusion, I must say pets will make your life as fun as you can imagine.

宠物英语作文 篇2

上海gm干磨店  I love pets is the small white rabbit, pet shop on painting when I came home and I have to stop watching little creatures who are in a cage, that is my eyes involuntarily fell on the small white rabbit. You see, it's furry body like a white pompon, on the head with a pair of long ears, red eyes like a child just cried, born a three petal mouths, let it become more cute, do you know why the small white rabbit ran bouncing? Let me tell you! Because of the small white rabbit front legs short, long back, you said it doesn't make funny? Returned home, I told my mother, I want to put the small white rabbit back to domestic, I will give it freely, want it to be my good friend, and I together in the yard, in the square, in the vast field, in any place to visit in the world to run free. Unfortunately, the mother said: "our environment is not suitable for adoption of the little white rabbit." I think, when I grow up, have their own house must be adopted, the small white rabbit is my favorite pet.

  我喜欢宠物是小白兔,每当我画画回家路过宠物店时,我都要驻足观望那些被关在笼子里的小宠物,那是我的目光就不由自主地落到了小白兔的身上。 你看,它那毛茸茸的身体像个白绒球,头上竖着一对长耳朵,一双红彤彤的眼睛就像小孩子刚刚哭过的样子,天生的一张三瓣嘴,让它变得更加可爱了,你知道小白兔跑起来为什么一蹦一跳吗?让我来告诉你吧!因为小白兔前腿短,后退长,你说这逗不逗呀? 回家后,我告诉妈妈,我想把小白兔带回家养,我要给它自由,要让它成为我的好朋友,和我一起在院子里,在广场上,在广阔的田野里,在世界上任何可以游玩的.地方自由自在的奔跑。 只可惜,妈妈说:“我们家的环境不适合收养小白兔。”我想,等我长大了,有了自己的房子,一定要收养我最喜欢的宠物——小白兔。

宠物英语作文 篇3

  Some people believe that keeping pets is a good thing to do.They believe that pets,like cats and dogs,can help reduce the loneliness in their daily life .They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animals' world and develop positive feelings toward them.

  Others,however,hold the opposite view.They think keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do.First,pets can transmit diseases.Secondly,the noises of pets are sources of pollution.Last but not least,as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets,they will surely be hunted on a large scale,which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.

  Weighing the arguments of both sides,I am inclined to agree with the latter.Anyway,we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways.And it is my belief that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can we expect to have a lively and colorful world.

宠物英语作文 篇4

  Firstly, it is good for culturing people's love and sense of responsibility. Keeping a pet, you must feed it. Several times a day, in that case, you will feel it is your duty.

  F, pets could be a faithful friend, and playing with it will bring one happiness.

  In, the phenomenon of the em

上海gm干磨店  pty nest old can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. In the case, I think keeping a pet could remove their loneliness, even though at their children's absence.

宠物英语作文 篇5

  If we look through some news about the undergraduate on the net,we can find that a large number of students keep pets in their dormitory。Students feed a great diversity of pets,such as cat、dog、hamster、snake and so on。Facing this hot topic on the internet,people hold different ideas。

  Some people disagree this fact of keeping pets in dormitory,they think the dormitory is public space, students should build a good dormitory environment,the presence of the pet can increase of security risk。 In the meantime the reason people object to keeping pets is because many students will abandon their pet after they graduate from the university,so that many university have a large number of stray pets。

  Other people think that students keep the pets in dormitory should not be condemned。They think the student have the right of keep pets and many pets won’t be have negative effects on other students in dormitory。

上海gm干磨店  In my opinion,if the university allows the students keep pets and the dormitory have the proper condition,the students can keep pets in the dormitory。If the university prohibits keeping pets or other roommates are disagree with keeping pets, the student can’t broke the rule。All in all,when we do something,we should proceed from the reality。

宠物英语作文 篇6

上海gm干磨店  I have a lovely pet. It's a small cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and black colors. It's smaller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has come to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone come to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much.


上海gm干磨店  我有一只可爱的宠物,是一只小猫咪。它的`名字叫Candy,因为它长得像糖果。它比普通的猫要小,毛色是黑白的。当我在集市上看到它时,就喜欢上它了,所以央求妈妈给我买下,我成功了。它来我家三个月了,它很受欢迎,每个人都喜欢来我家跟它玩。它经常躲在沙发底和床底下,当我叫它时,它就出来回应我,它走起路来有时很轻盈。我好喜欢我的小猫。

宠物英语作文 篇7

  As a person holds various kinds of interest in life, i have both grown plants and kept pets for quite some time。 But not until recently have i realized that the former is easier and less energy—consuming。 With the same function of adding joy to life, plants can live their own, be more money —saving。 As far as I’m concerned, plants make better enjoyment than pets。


上海gm干磨店  Firstly, plants are less energy—consuming than pets, which need to be fed several times a day, and some of which need to be walked early in the morning。 But for plants, regular watering and fertilizing will do, provided they are placed in appropriate places with proper sunshine。 However, pets need constant care and training so as to form good habits, or they may go wild。 As to plants, no such worries are involved。


上海gm干磨店  Secondly, plants consume less money than pets。 You have to spend a considerable amount of money buying pet food, toys and other accessories。 Some people even compare that sum of money to the expenses of raising a child。 When pets fall ill, they need to be sent to the special hospital for pets, which are also quite expensive。 In this sense, plants are very economical to grow in terms of the same purpose of producing joy and beauty to people’s daily life。

上海gm干磨店  第二,植物比宠物更省钱。你需要花大量的`钱买宠物食物,玩具还有其他东西。有些人甚至把养宠物画的钱和养小孩相比。当宠物生病的时候,它们还需要送去特地为宠物设置的医院,那相当的昂贵。就这个意义上来讲,植物是非常经济型的,它们一样能够满足人们日常生活的乐趣和审美。

上海gm干磨店  All in all, plants make better enjoyment than pets, since they are easier to handle, less expensive and troublesome。 Take the above reasons into account, the next time you think of raising something for fun, plants should be a better choice, unless you have too much free time to kill。










