

时间:2023-06-10 07:27:06 专题作文 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的学英语作文7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


学英语作文 篇1

上海gm干磨店  今天下午,在我的软磨硬泡下,爸爸妈妈终于带我和姐姐到垂钓中心钓鱼喽!

  This afternoon, with my hard work, mom and dad finally took me and my sister to the fishing center to fish!


上海gm干磨店  When we got to the fishing center, my sister and I couldn't wait to jump down like a little rabbit, run to the pond, pick up the fishing rod, put on the bait, and throw it into the water to fish like a rabbit. Ah! What a beautiful scenery in spring! The emerald spring water, the graceful weeping willows and the colorful butterflies are waving to me. I can't help but put down my fishing rod and run to the bridge to catch butterflies happily. Soon, dad caught the fish and mom caught the fish. Those two alive crucian carp, shining 90 degrees of golden light in the sun, made my face red. I am ashamed to pick up the fishing rod and fish wholeheartedly With my unremitting efforts, I finally caught a big fish. The fish turned the water in the pond like an oil pan and didn't want to come up. It took my father and I nine cows and two tigers to get it ashore

上海gm干磨店  这次钓鱼让我懂得了:做事情不能三心二意,要一心一意才能有所收获。

上海gm干磨店  This fishing let me know: to do things can't be two-sided, we need to be single-minded to get something.

学英语作文 篇2

  Jason was my uncle.He used to be a manager.Now he works as a teacher in a university. He thinks it is good for him to be a teacher instead of being a manager. He likes to talk with the young people so that he can keep young for ever. Students enjoy his lessons very much and everyone says he is a good teacher.East week, he went to America to attend a meeting on teaching,I like my uncle.

学英语作文 篇3

  Last Sunday my mum took me to the Yuexiu park. The park was very beautiful. The trees were green and there were so many colorful flowers.

  First I went to fly a kite. I flew very very high, my mum saw my kite and said I flew it very well and I was so happy.

上海gm干磨店  Next I rode my bike. I could ride really fast. After a while, my sister and I had a bike riding competition. I rode much faster than her, so I won the game. My sister asked why I rode so fast. I told her it’s because I ride my bike every day. My sister said she would start riding her bike every day too.

上海gm干磨店  Finally I sat on the bench and drank my cola. The cola was sweet and cold. It was very nice.

  In the evening, we went to the restaurant and had a big meal.

  I was very happy. Because I had a great time at the park.

学英语作文 篇4



上海gm干磨店  你曾经写过信给妈妈吗?可能我们平常跟妈妈生活在一起,觉得写信没有什么必要,但其实有很多事情也许我们想让妈妈知道,但是又不好意思直接开口。那么就写信吧。一开始就写出要对妈妈说的事情哦。

上海gm干磨店  我们第一段的建议开头句就是:Today I’m going to tell you something really special.今天我要跟你说一件非常特别的事情。

上海gm干磨店  因为是写信,所以不用不好意思哦。把平常心中对妈妈的一些感受给表达出来吧。

上海gm干磨店  我们第二段的建议开头句就是:I also want to tell you one thing, I love you so much.我还想告诉你一件事情,我真的很爱你。


  我们第三段的建议开头句就是:I made up my mind that I will study harder and help you to clean the house.我已经下定决心要更努力地用功读书,并且帮你把家里整理干净


上海gm干磨店  亲爱的妈咪 Dear Mum. 今天我要跟你说一件非常特别的事情。Today I’m going to tell you something really special. 我知道你每天都很辛苦地工作,也感到很疲惫。I know you work very hard and feel tired every day.每当你回家看到家里一团乱的时候,我知道你一定很生我的气。Every time you come home and see the messy house. , I know you are very angry with me.但是你总是一句话也不说的`把房子给整理干净。But you always say nothing and clean up the house.其实我也一直很想帮你,但是我的回家功课真的很多。I always want to help you, but I have so much homework to do.每次把功课写完以后,都觉得快要死掉了。After I finished my homework, I feel like dying.我真的很想帮忙,但是我也觉得好累哦。I really want to help you, but I’m so tired too.

  我还想告诉你一件事情,我真的很爱你。I also want to tell you one thing, I love you so much.虽然每次你念我不够用功的时候,我都会顶嘴。I usually talk back to you when you say that I don’t study hard enough.但事实上,我只是想要你再多称赞我一点。But in fact I just want you to praise me more.我一定会尽我所能得到好成绩,并且受到老师的赞扬。I will try my best to get good grades and get praise from my teacher.所以不要再因为我的成绩而感到沮丧了,好吗?So don’t feel frustrated about my grades, OK?

上海gm干磨店  我已经下定决心要更努力地用功读书,并且帮你把家里整理干净I made up my mind that I will study harder and help you to clean the house.这次我可是认真的哦I am serious this time.我会尽快把作业完成,这样我才能有更多的精力帮你整理家里。I will have my homework done faster so that I can have more energy to clean up the house.我也会尽量少看一点电视,这样我才有更多的时间用功读书得到好成绩。I will watch TV less so that I can have more time to study and get good grades.而这所有的事情都只为了一个原因:妈咪,我想要让你开心。我爱你!All these things are for one reason: I want to make you happy Mum. I love you! 非常非常爱你的彼得。With lots of love Peter


  Dear Mum:

  Today I’m going to tell you something really special. I know you work very hard and feel tired every day. Every time you come home and see the messy house. , I know you are very angry with me. But you always say nothing and clean up the house .I always want to help you, but I have so much homework to do. After I finish my homework, I feel like dying. I really want to help you, but I’m so tired too.

  I also want to tell you one thing, I love you so much. I usually talk back to you when you say that I don’t study hard enough. But in fact I just want you to praise me more. I will try my best to get good grades and get praise from my teacher. So don’t feel frustrated about my grades, OK? I made up my mind that I will study harder and help you to clean the house. I am serious this time. I will have my homework done faster so that I can have more energy to clean up the house. I will watch TV less so that I can have more time to study and get good grades. All these things are for one reason: I want to make you happy Mum. I love you!

上海gm干磨店  With lots of love Peter

学英语作文 篇5

  there are fifty-two students in my class. we have different likes and dislikes, but we all have a great goal. we study together. we play together. we talk to each other. we help each other. we are friendly to each other. our class is like a big family. we are very happy.

上海gm干磨店  we have many teachers. they are very kind. they are always nice to us.

  they make us study very very hard. all my teachers always encourage us to learn all subjects well.


上海gm干磨店  我们有很多老师。他们很善良。他们总是对我们很好。


学英语作文 篇6

  I like digital products. It is advanced and convenient. For example, nowadays our family has a digital camera. We can take pictures whenever we want. We have taken many photos about our life. But in the past, if we want to take pictures, we have to go to the photographic studio. It is inconvenient and expensive. So we only take photos once a year. This is one classical example. There are many similar examples.

上海gm干磨店  我喜欢数码产品。它们先进、方便。举个例子,我们家现在有一个数码相机。我们什么时候想照相都可以。这相机记录了我们生活中很多的点点滴滴。但是,过去,如果我们想拍照,我们只能去影楼。一点都不方便也很贵。所以我们每年只拍一次照片。这是一个典型的例子。很有很多类似的.呢。

学英语作文 篇7

  Hello, I’m Pang Bo Yu. I have a very happy family.

上海gm干磨店  My mother is a worker. How old is she? Guess! She’s thirty-five, she like zebras. On Saturdays and Sundays, she likes swimming. She doesn’t work on Saturdays and Sundays.My grandfather and grandmother likes running on Saturdays and walking on Sundays. They like ducks, but I don’t. I like horses very much. In the evening, we watch TV. Some times I listen to music. But my mother, grandfather and grandmother doesn’t, they like reading.

上海gm干磨店  I love my happy family very much. Do you like my family?

上海gm干磨店  你好,我是庞博宇。我有一个非常快乐的.家庭。

上海gm干磨店  我的妈妈是一个工人。她多少岁了?你猜。她三十五岁了。她喜欢斑马,在星期六和星期天,她喜欢去游泳。她在周六和周日不工作。我的祖父和祖母喜欢在周六跑步,在周日散步,他们喜欢鸭子,但我不喜欢。我很喜欢马。我们在晚上看电视。有时候我听音乐。但是我妈妈、祖父和祖母不喜欢,他们喜欢阅读。











