

时间:2021-06-03 09:00:26 读书笔记 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  当阅读完一本名着后,相信大家的'收获肯定不少,需要回过头来写一写读书笔记了。是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?下面是小编整理的英语书虫读书笔记(精选5篇),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


  英语书虫读书笔记 篇1

  In the winter holiday.I read a book.It is very wonderful.Its name is "The monkeys paw".The book tells about the Whites and a paws story.Mr.Whites friend gave him a small and dirty paw.He said "It can makes your dreams come true.But youll feel unhappy."Mr.White wanted ?3000.And after some days,he got ?3000,but his son deid.The end is Mr.White and his wife were very sad.

  I think “The monkeys paw” is very useful.Because it tells us some important things.Such as "get something for nothing." is impossible.We must do every things by ourselves.And we must know learn by doing.

  When I was 10 years old.I was not good at math.And I had tried to find many escape solutions.But no one is good for me.My mother tolds me,"learn by doing",and I did some test questions.Now,my math is ok.I think my story likes "The monkeys paw".And in the new future,I will do every things by my self and do not rely on my father and mother.I know I am the best.

上海gm干磨店  What a nice story!“The monkeys paw”is perfect,and I will learn more and more in it.

  英语书虫读书笔记 篇2

上海gm干磨店  I read in this winter vacation.I like Canterbury Tales very much.

上海gm干磨店  The Canterbury Tales is not only a collection.It is have many functions.

  For example:

  (1):It shows a broad picture of the society.Pilgrims from all walks of life: the knight, monks, scholars, lawyers, businessmen, craftsmen, farmers, Miller.

上海gm干磨店  (2):It adopts various literary genre of the middle ages, a knight legend, hagiography, sermon, fable.

  (3):Description and story of the characters of the total sequence and opening itself interesting, full of humor.

  (4):Characteristics on the narrators own language, each story reflects the narrator identity, interest, hobbies, occupation and life experience.

  Works of humor and irony, strong sense of comedy, in which most stories with double rhyme verse, influence on later English literature.Figures.

  It is a great book.

  英语书虫读书笔记 篇3

  This winter vacation,I read agreat book《Bookworm》. In gread 1,I appreciate the beauty of the moon,and,I know Mary,queen of Soctss story……In a word,Ibenefited a lot of in it.I really like this book.

  Among them,my favourite book is《Love or money》.It tells a rich women death without.Everyone is suspect,and they greeted her moneys mouth water.Her little daughter threatens her,to obtain money;on the surface seems to love her big daughter to reasons but hater mother;her son to a piece of land and mother fell out……

  Results a murderer is her big daughter! Reason have.

上海gm干磨店  To her the person I love !

  I was very sad.A girl,actually killed her mother,is really too not filial piety.I know people for a variety of reasons will kill your most close.So,we should control oneself,avoid incentive,not reckless things……

  The《Book worm》 has taught me a lot.

  英语书虫读书笔记 篇4

  I have read a book the other day called The Monkey’s Paw which is written by W.W.Jacobs.The story began on a cold and dark night.Old Mr White got a magic monkey paw from his friend Morris.Morris who told him that the monkey paw could give three wishes to three people,but it couldn’t bring them happiness.However,Old Mr White still used the paw to make wishes without listening to Morris’s discourage.Finally, he got thirty thousand pounds but his son died.At the end of the story,Mrs White almost became crazy.The whole family fell into sadness and fear.

  This story is gripping and also a little scary.It is tragic and sobering.The plot is both unexpected and reasonable.Although Old Mr White’s friend had warned him,but he didn’t listen.At last it became a tragedy.What caused all this?It’s obvious that the Mr White’s greed. He wanted to get the money with no pay,but that is impossible in this world.I’m afraid he’ll live out the rest of his life in regret. The three men who used the monkey’s paw all paid an irreparable price for their greed.

  This short novel tells us a lesson that we can’t daydream.Waiting for money and success comes with no pay is stupid and not realistic.We should work and study harder.Chase the treasure on your own without regret or sadness.

  英语书虫读书笔记 篇5

  This book tells a story : Ralph Crewe lives in India with his little daughter Sara . He is a rich man , and he to make his daughter study better with her come to London to Miss Minchin school . For a start , Sara has many books , dolls and beautiful clothes , her life is like a princess.But the death of her father changed all that.Sara became a little teacher,a little maid , often on the street.But she has not lost princess temperament and courage . Sara still optimistic in life.Finally one day , his father’the book the hero Sara persistent quality worthy of our study . When you feel the boundless future , don’t get disheartened . To smile in the face of all . Not because of others’ evaluation and shake my faith . But to overcome the difficulties step forward , you will succeed . So , if you want to give up , must be important trismus go . C limb over the mountain , you will face the sea ! Read the《A Little Princess》this book, I harvest many others . These truths are so important , will accompany me all my life !










