

时间:2022-01-26 18:29:37 故事精选 投诉 投稿




  英文哲理故事 篇1


  A bird was confined in a cage outside a window。 She often sang at night when all other birds were asleep。

  One night a bat came。 He asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night。

  The bird answered, “Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard my voice and caught me in his net。Since then I have never sung by day。”

上海gm干磨店  The bat replied, "But it is useless to do this now that you have bee a prisoner。" Then he flew away。



上海gm干磨店  一天晚上,蝙蝠来了,飞过来问她为什么白天安静无声,夜里却要歌唱。

上海gm干磨店  金丝雀回答说:“去年我在白天唱歌时,捕鸟人听到我的歌声抓住了我。从此,我再也不在白天唱歌了。”

上海gm干磨店  蝙蝠说:“你此刻才懂得谨慎已没用了,你若在变为囚徒之前就懂得,那该多好呀!”说完就飞走了。

上海gm干磨店  寓意: 我们就应在危险发生之前就提高警觉,因为危险一旦发生,我们再怎样留意也没有用了。

  英文哲理故事 篇2

  The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

  Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do e and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should e and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must e and see me at my house in the city."

  The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is ing!" They ran away quickly and hid.

  After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."




上海gm干磨店  过了一会儿,他们出来了。当他们出来时,乡下老鼠说:“我不喜欢住在城里,我喜欢住在田野我的洞里。因为这样虽然贫穷但是快乐自在,比起虽然富有却要过着提心吊胆的生活来说,要好些。”

  英文哲理故事 篇3


上海gm干磨店  A little bird fly to south for the winter。 It was very cold, almost frozen bird。 Hence, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung upon the bird, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, feel very warm, gradually recovered, it is warm and fortable lying, and soon began to sing songs, a passing wildcat hear voices, see, follow the voice, wildcats quickly found lying on the dunghill, bird, pull it out。 The way of existence: not everyone to lead the dung upon your people are your enemy。 Each of you is not from the dunghill lire people are your friends, and, when you lying on the dunghill, had better keep your mouth shut。

上海gm干磨店  粪堆里的小鸟 一只小鸟飞到南方去过冬。天很冷,小鸟几乎冻僵了。于是,飞到一大块空地上,一头牛经过那儿,拉了一堆牛粪在小鸟的身上,冻僵的小鸟躺在粪堆里,觉得很温暖,渐渐苏醒过来,它温暖而舒服的躺着,不久唱起歌来,一只飘过的野猫听到声音,走过去看个究竟,循着声音,野猫很快发现了躺在粪堆里的小鸟,把它拽出来吃掉了。 生存之道:不是每个往你身上拉大粪的人都是你的敌人。也不是每个把你从粪堆里拉出来的人都是你的朋友,还有,当你躺在粪堆里时,最好把你的嘴闭上。

  英文哲理故事 篇4


上海gm干磨店  A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog in front of him.

  “Haha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the frog.

上海gm干磨店  Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s tail.

  “Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks back. The frog hears the voice and jumps into water.

上海gm干磨店  “Thank you, little tortoise.” says the frog.

  But the tiger is very angry. “Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!”

  “Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the tortoise.

上海gm干磨店  The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the river.”

  “Oh, no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the water.” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly.

上海gm干磨店  “Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye-bye.” The tortoise and the frog swim away together.






上海gm干磨店  大事老虎十分愤怒:“厌恶!我要把你扔到天上去。”

上海gm干磨店  “多谢你,我喜欢在天空飞翔。”乌龟说。

上海gm干磨店  老虎停下来:“那我就把你扔到到水里。”



  英文哲理故事 篇5

  This crab is really special


  A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him.

  She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can’t let him get away. So they got married immediately.

上海gm干磨店  The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs, and got upset. "What happened?" she asked. "You used to walk straight before we were married."

  "Oh, honey," he replied, "I can't drink that much every day."


上海gm干磨店  雌蟹发现他是直着走路,而不是横着走。她心想,这只雄蟹真是与众不一样,我可不能让他跑了。于是他们很快就结婚了。

上海gm干磨店  第二天,雌蟹发现她的新郎走起路来和普通螃蟹一样。她便疑惑重重。“你怎样了?”她问,“我们结婚之前你但是直着走路的。”


  英文哲理故事 篇6

  Two Little Monkeys

  The monkey mother has two little monkeys. She likes the younger, not the other.

上海gm干磨店  One day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came running at them. The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.

上海gm干磨店  After some time, the wolf went away slowly. The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly. Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.



上海gm干磨店  一天,他们正在森林里玩的时候,一只狼来了并向他们扑去。猴子匆忙带着小猴子跑了,单独留下打猴子。她跑着小猴子爬到树上。


  英文哲理故事 篇7


  There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go into the forest and fetch some food. So she called all seven to her and said, "Dear children, I have to go into the forest, be on your guard against the wolf; if he es in, he will devour you all -- skin, hair, and all. The wretch often disguises himself, but you will know him at once by his rough voice and his black feet." The kids said, "Dear mother, we will take good care of ourselves; you may go away without any anxiety." Then the old one bleated, and went on her way with an easy mind.

上海gm干磨店  从前有只老山羊。它生了七只小山羊,并且像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱它们。一天,它要到森林里去取食物,便把七个孩子全叫过来,对它们说:“亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去一下,你们必须要提防狼。要是让狼进屋,它会把你们全部吃掉的——连皮带毛通通吃光。这个坏蛋常常把自我化装成别的样貌,但是,你们只要一听 到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。”小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会当心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。

  英文哲理故事 篇8

上海gm干磨店  Who Pours Ink on My Chair?

  Donny is a seven year old boy. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home.

  So he goes there on foot and es back home on time. But today, he is late.

上海gm干磨店  His mother asks him, “Why do you go to the headmaster’s office?”

  Because the teacher asks us a question in class and nobody can answer it, but I can.”

上海gm干磨店  “It’s good to answer the teacher’s question.” “But the question is ‘Who pours ink on my chair?’”



上海gm干磨店  因为,他不行去上学并按时回家。但是这天他回来迟了。

上海gm干磨店  他的母亲问他:“你为什么去校长的办公室?”

上海gm干磨店  “ 因为老师在上课时老师问我们一个问题,没有人能回答他,而我能。”

  “ 回答老师的问题是好事。”

上海gm干磨店  “ 但那个问题 ‘谁把墨水倒在我的椅子上了?’”

  英文哲理故事 篇9

  Our Mood Belong to Others

  Most of us holdthat our moods are of ourselves。 Actually, our moods belong to others。 For along time, I did not feel well and always upset。 My wife forted me and askedme to see the doctor。 “Your condition does matter to yourself。 On othercondition, how can you make kids feel well when you are not feeling well? Anothertime, I was so annoyed with the talking of my father。 My wife explaining again:“You’d better offer your sincere。 As for how to do, you are the master。 What weshould do is just make them happy。” I deeply regretted for my bad manners。

  Man got his ownmood ever since his birth。 While young, we cried when we hungry and neverpretended our secrets。 As we grew up, we realized that we can hide our mod andadjust it。 It is just like a mask。

上海gm干磨店  To be honest, themood is our own business, and can express in the way we like to。 In fact, sinceyour mood has an influence on others, your mood belongs to others, too。 If youhold your mod as others’, then you will be more responsible and less headstrong, more understanding and less stubborn, more care and less selfish, moreharmony and less dispute。




上海gm干磨店  按说情绪是自我的,自我能够想怎样就怎样,但其实,因为你的情绪而影响了别人情绪,从这个好处上说,情绪就是别人的。如果你能把情绪当作是别人的,也许就会多一份职责,少一份任性;多一份理解,少一份固执;多一份关爱,少一份自私;多一份和谙,少一份纷争。

  英文哲理故事 篇10

上海gm干磨店  Modesty is a Double-edgedSword

  In his universitytime, 马克·赫德 was nominatedto campaign for the chairman of the Student Union. Tough very confident, helost the chance for his over modesty and caution when answering questions. Thishad a bad influence on him when he graduated and seeked his job.

上海gm干磨店  Still dismay,though he was appointed by 惠普公司 with excellent ability. He considered fora long time and then came to a conclusion----he was confused by theso----called modesty. Later, for his outstanding ability, he became the CEO.

上海gm干磨店  The other day,the board called him to represent the board meeting. Mark felt the same sceneas ever. The reason that the board let Mark e the CEO was that there were someproblems in publicity and sale.

  The samequestion: Are you confident to de better job for 惠普? Then Mark gavethe opposite reply than the last time. He said: “it is undoubted that I can promises.At least be better than now. ”

上海gm干磨店  In fact, aftertrials of tests, Mark did an excellent job. Ever since his nomination, 惠普 pany produced varies styles of product.

上海gm干磨店  Throughselecting mediums, decreasing cost, pay attention to publicity, the pany’ssales grew steadily.

  When beinginterviewed, the holder asked: “Someone think you are gentle, knowledge, wiseand modest. We would like to know your opinion.”

上海gm干磨店  Mark expressed hisunderstanding on “modesty”. He insisted that unreasonable modesty is adouble-edged sword, which may destroy his future.

  He said that tobe really modest, keep three points in mind:

  Firstly, modestyis not to deny yourself, for it let you lose the chance and feel regret.

上海gm干磨店  Secondly, modestyis to evaluate yourself below your ability umber. For instance, if you can getA, then be sure you can get B+.

  Lastly, modestyis not to say “actually, everyone can do that so as you work had” to answerothers’ praise.





上海gm干磨店  同样一个问题:你有信心把惠普做得更好吗?


上海gm干磨店  事实上,透过考验的马克,表现出了极强的个人潜力。自从他出任CEO后,惠普产品多面开花,透过筛选渠道,减少成本,加大宣传,经营业绩稳步增长。

上海gm干磨店  在理解电视采访的时候,主持人问:“有人说,你的形象是儒雅,知性,睿智,谦逊的。的怎样看?”马克着重就“谦逊”谈了自我的见解。他认为,不恰当的“谦逊”是把双刃剑,往往会断了“谦逊者”的发展之路。


  首先,谦逊不是自我否定,自我否定只能让你与机会擦肩而过并留下惋惜。 其次,谦逊就是把话说到你的潜力值以下,比如你能考A,那么先肯定自我能考B+。

上海gm干磨店  最后,谦逊不是在应对别人质疑。或者应对问题的时候说‘哦,我想我办不到’,而是懂得抓住机会。成功之后,应对别人的赞美时说:‘其实没什么,只


  英文哲理故事 篇11

  No Ready-made Fruit in God’s Hand

  Threeguys finally got the God through trials and errors。 They were eager to ask God forhelp。 Right after the God asked what they want, the first man claim a bigcourtyard, the second a farmstead, and the third a bar of gold。 God promisedthem。 At last, the first man was given a pile of bricks, the second a bag ofseed and the third a mass of sand。




  英文哲理故事 篇12

  All Slopes are Easy toGo

上海gm干磨店  He was a professor。 At the age of 90, hestill work eight hours everyday regardless the season and weather。

  His secretary said: “He is extremely old,but he forced himself walk from his living place to office through two blocks。It would take him an hour, but he insisted to because it makes him get a senseof success。 ”

上海gm干磨店  The other day, an university student stepout from his office with a pile of books。 He plained emotionally: “He isalways this man。 He may answer me just with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to my question。However, he always gave me dozens of books and suggests me to find the answer。”

上海gm干磨店  Later, he knew what this studentplained。 He told with smile: “This is the method I have learnt, a hard andtroublesome way。 If that kid could make full use of those books, he might knowhis question and maybe a good lawyer in the future。”

上海gm干磨店  This 90-year-old man was 庞德, who was the president of law college in HawardUniversity。

上海gm干磨店  Once a philosophist said: “You should dosome thing that you don not want to every one or two days。”

  This is the foundation of life progress。

  Just like another phlosophist said: “allslopes are easy to go。 ”

上海gm干磨店  翻译:容易走的都是下坡路

上海gm干磨店  他在一所大学做教授,90岁的时候,荏苒每一天坚持工作8小时,不论春秋冬夏,也不论风霜雨雪。


上海gm干磨店  有一天,有个大学生从他办公室里出来,捧着一大堆书,一脸不高兴的抱怨:“总是这一套。我问一个和简单的问题,他能够用一个’是’或’否’回答,却给我十几本书,说能够在这些书里找到我所要的答案。”



上海gm干磨店  有一位哲学家说:“你就应每一两天做一些你不想做的事。”


上海gm干磨店  正如另一位哲人所说“容易走的都是下坡路。”

  英文哲理故事 篇13

上海gm干磨店  How Important It is

上海gm干磨店  There isa suitcase for you with a million US dollar in .

  Thesuitcase is placed in a building away from you about one hour driving. Thecondition is, you need to get there within two hours. If you did, I will giveyou the suitcase with a million US dollar. Or if you late for only one minute,nothing will you get. When would you get about?

上海gm干磨店  Manywould say: “Now.” will you?

  Now youset out. You hurry into your car, start it, drive for the building. You are soexcited and wonder what to do about the one million US dollars. All of a sudden,you are stopped by the traffic jam. You turn on the radio and find there is noany way to get there because of the accident on your way. What will you do neststep? Go back? Or step out your car, go to the building on foot (running oremploy a helicopter or other ways)?

  If, youare on the way to the dentist’s office and there is a traffic jam, surely youwould turn back and appoit for another time.

  Why isthere difference between these two thins? Because of the destination. If it isquite important for you, you will conquer it, regardless any hardship; or ifyit is not so serious, you may call it a day.

上海gm干磨店  Therefore,the best way to face the difficulty is to make the thing a business.





  如果你去看牙医,在路上也发生堵车,你肯定会转回家,跟牙医约另一天。 这两种状况为什么会不一样?因为出行的目的是不一样的。如果你要做的事情对你十分重要,再大的困难你都会设法克服; 如果你觉得要做的事情不是很重要,遇到困难你就会放下了。

上海gm干磨店  所以,克服困难的最好的方法,就是把你要做的事情看得十分重要。

  英文哲理故事 篇14


  A fox and a goat

  An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself.

  A goat came. He asked the fox:”what are you doing? The fox said : "There will be no water, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you jump down, too?"

  The goat jumped into the well.

  But the fox jumped on the goat’s back and out of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."

上海gm干磨店  Thank you!






  英文哲理故事 篇15


  A Clever Panda

  A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home。 But the pumpkin is too big。 The panda can’t take it home。

  Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike toward her。 She watches the bike。 “I know! I have a good idea。” she jumps and shouts happily, “I can roll a pumpkin。 It’s like a wheel。”

  So she rolls the pumpkin to her home。 When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God! How can you carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly, “I can’t lift it, but I can roll it。” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clever girl! Use you heard to do something,”


上海gm干磨店  一只小熊猫摘了一只大南瓜,想把它拿回家。但是这只南瓜太大了,她没有办法把这么大的南瓜带回家。

上海gm干磨店  突然她看见一只狗熊骑着一辆自行车朝她这边来。她看着自行车,跳着说:“有了!我有办法了。我能够把南瓜滚回家去。南瓜好像车轮。


  英文哲理故事 篇16

  Look Ahead

  Once a friendsuggested me: “Look ahead when you are sad. ”

  It is this weirdthat ever when I am in sad, I am always bow my head or shut my eyes regardlesshis suggestion. Even when I catch a glimpse of the sky with stars, but again at sea. When I am depressed, my visionnarrowed.

  This friend has alovely and smart daughter and so charming like a flower in dancing. But, she isunable to see the outside world clearly. My friend ever so grieve that he wasso pessimistic. No other aids seem to help him, but he gained the delight aftera journey of hardship with looking ahead that the crucial life taught him.

上海gm干磨店  Look ahead, hehas witnessed his daughter’s experience

上海gm干磨店  journey----she is more beautiful andtamer and can take care of herself. She dresses her black excise cloth, withwhite dancing shoes, black and high-twist hair style with lighting belt; she isalways smile, indicating her charming youth in her mouth; she bees strong inmind and smart, live on herself. As preferred, she bees a warmly receiveddancing teacher?

上海gm干磨店  The God is alwaysabsent when we knock His door. The great poet 朗费罗 could not help mending,“Your你的命运一如他人,每个生命都会下雨.” When it rains and we feel sad, it is worthlooking ahead. If one minute is not enough, then take one more. Looking againand again with a long time, or even your whole life and your love and hope. Seewhether所有的雨都

  会停; see the sky after rain if it is cleaner, vaster, more fantastic and seewhether there is rainbow in magic.

  There is alwaysthe time the God go home; the stop for rain and the hope and joyous ahead.


上海gm干磨店  一个朋友对我说:“当你忧伤时,请看着前方。”


上海gm干磨店  这个朋友有一个冰雪聪明的女儿,美丽得像朵舞蹈着的花,但她完全看不到外边的世界。朋友以前悲哀欲绝,但没有人能够帮忙到他疗伤,是残酷的生活教会他看着前方,发现和拥有那些前行一段路程才能得到的喜悦。

上海gm干磨店  看着前方,他看到已经长大的女儿——她更加漂亮乖巧,学会了自我照顾自我;她穿上了黑色的练功服、白色的舞蹈鞋,黑黑的头发盘得高高的,用发光的发带竖了起来;她时刻微笑着,那是汇集在她嘴角的点点明媚的春光;她变得坚强睿智,能够自食其力,如她所愿,果真成了一名受人欢迎的舞蹈老师...

上海gm干磨店  我们敲门时,上帝总是不在家。诗人朗费罗为此感慨不已:“你的命运一如他人,每个生命都会下雨。”下雨时,忧伤时,最值得做的事情就像这位朋友所说的:看着前方!一分钟不行,再看一分钟,久久地看,一次又一次地看,用一生的经历来看,用最真的爱满怀着期望来看。看看是不是“所有的雨都会停”,看看雨后的.天空是不是更洁净、更辽远、更美丽,是不是还会奇迹般地出现彩虹。


  英文哲理故事 篇17

  Newunderstanding to classic stories

上海gm干磨店  铁杵磨成针tellsus:Moving as the strenuous deeds, it isactually ridicules. Instead of buying a needle, he insisted to rub an ironstick exhausted for years. It is useless to work hard once the direction andmethod was wrong.

  三顾茅庐tellsus:The opportunity is get by waiting. If Mr.Kong applied his position spontaneously, the result might be the other one.After all, it practices only in the old age. Though ten times the wisdom than KingMing, we modern people may lose enormous opportunities. Who knows if theattention to the talents is more or less?

上海gm干磨店  龟兔赛跑 tellsus:Never pete its shortes with other’smerits, nor take the shortes as advantages for a short-time fortune. If youwere a turtle, pete diving or lifespan with rabbit because these are youradvantages.

上海gm干磨店  井底的之蛙 tellsus:Man is what his surrounding and vise verse.The surrounding is fit for the man. Never condemn frog’s narrow and

  foolish,for it never survive in the East Sea, it just a troublemade by itself.

  武松打虎 tellsus:Hero is sometimes be made. A mon though 武松’s tremendous courage, for nobody without fear totiger. Thanks to his stubborn and the fifteen 小酒, 武松 had the honor to kill the tiger. He also never knewthat he might e across a tiger. His mind became clear the moment he saw thetiger; it showed he is not planned to be a hero.To be or not to be; was he kill the tiger and because a hero. Just like manyincidents in life, every hero appears out of some conditions.

  螳臂当车 tellsus:To change the situation, it prefers to dosome useless efforts though it may die in pieces. Or maybe, when number of thesame doers increased, the 车 may sow down or stop surprised.

上海gm干磨店  翻译:老故事咂出新滋味

上海gm干磨店  铁杵磨成针的故事告诉我们:白费力气的事尽管感人但却是可笑的。明明买根针就能做活,非要用根大铁棒磨它个三年两载。方向和方法错了,功夫下的再深也不行。

上海gm干磨店  三顾茅庐的故事告诉我们:机遇是等来的。如果孔明先生主动上门求职,就不见得有这样的效果。但是,这话只适合古代,现代人即使比孔明的本事大十倍,坐在家里干等也不见得有机遇出现。天明白重视人才的观念是进步了还是退步了。


上海gm干磨店  井底的之蛙故事告诉我们:什么样的环境早就什么样的人生,反过来也同样,什么样的人生适合什么样的环境。别指责青蛙的短浅愚昧,因为蛙绝不可能从井底迁到东海生存。如果蛙受了教育启发,从此志在东海,那只有徒增烦恼了。

上海gm干磨店  武松打虎的故事告诉我们:英雄有时是被逼出来的。武松胆儿再大也是正常人,没有人不拍老虎的道理。要不是犟脾气加上十五碗小酒,决不回去做打虎的壮举。其实他也没想到会遇上老虎,真的遇上反而酒都被吓醒了,说明他并不是真的想当英雄。不是他死就是虎亡,他把自我逼成了英雄。现实的很多典型与此很类似,每一个英雄的出现都是有前提的。

上海gm干磨店  螳臂当车的故事告诉我们:即便粉身碎骨,也要为改变现状做一些看似无效的努力。也许,当轮前的螳臂多了,车会慢下来或者停下来。

  英文哲理故事 篇18

上海gm干磨店  Intense Light, a Wall as Well

  A father isasking his son in grade three: “We cannot find the star in the shady night。 Isit not there?”

  His son answeredit with clear –cut accent: “No。”

  The father askedagain: “Then why we cannot see any star?”

  His son replied:“The cloud hide them。”

  Again the fatherasked: “There is no star in the sunny daytime。 Where are they?”

上海gm干磨店  Hesitated, hisson seemed have no idea to respond。

上海gm干磨店  For a moment, thefather said: “Actually there is yet stars but most of them are恒星,and stay in theuniverse。 It is just we cannot see them with our eyes。 ”

上海gm干磨店  His son askedcuriously: “Why?”

上海gm干磨店  Thinking for awhile, the father answered: “Because the sunlight is too intense, and it shadethe stars’ light。”

  The same goes tomany things in our lives。 The intense light of one person or one thing, may notonly shade its own defects, but also the merits of the person or thing aroundit and makes it difficult for others to identify the facts besides him。 This isnot the problem of one’s eye, but the intense light。

  Most cases, theintense light is a wall, a wall that cannot see and stride with our eyes。 Notonly can it confuse our normal eyes, but also hinder our normal sight。


上海gm干磨店  一位父亲问他正读小学三年级的儿子:“阴天的夜晚,天空中看不到星星,是星星不存在吗?”

上海gm干磨店  儿子很干脆的回答:“不是。”







上海gm干磨店  父亲想了一下。告诉儿子说:“是太阳的光太强了,它把所有星星的光都盖住了。”



  英文哲理故事 篇19

  Just Allocation

  Ina hot afternoon, two farmers were enjoying the cool under the tree. One

上海gm干磨店  farmercalled L and the other called X. both carried tasty bread as their lunch. Ltookthree bread and X five. A businessman passed by when they were ready to havelunch.

上海gm干磨店  “goodafternoon, gentlemen.” The businessman greeted L and X. the businessman wastires and hungry. L and X invited him to have dinner together.

  “Butwe three men how to separate three breads? ” L confused.

上海gm干磨店  “Let’sput the breads together, then divide every one into three equal parts.” Xsuggested.

  Cuttingand dividing the breads, they all got the exact one.

上海gm干磨店  Eatingup the breads, the businessman insisted to pay and L and X have no idea but toget it.

  Whenthe businessman went away, L and X counted the number of golden bills----eight. “Eightbills, two person. Four bills every one.” L said.

  “It’sunjust,” X opposed loudly, “I had five breads and you just three, so I shouldget five bills and you three.”

上海gm干磨店  Lreluctant to argue, neither would he gave X five bills.

上海gm干磨店  “Let’sinvite our village manager Morwey’s house and tell all to him. ” Thinking for awhile, Morwey replied: “The just way to distribute these bill is X take sevenbills and L one.”

上海gm干磨店  “Pardon?”L screamed.

上海gm干磨店  “Whyshould I posses seven?” Xalso felt strange.

  AfterMorwey explained his reason clearly, both Land X had no dispute on thisallocation.

上海gm干磨店  Wasthis really a just rule?

  Answerthese questions before you decide whether it was just or not:

上海gm干磨店  1. Howmany small pieces the eight breads were divided into?

  2. Howmany pieces every one ate?

上海gm干磨店  3. Howmany small pieces did L’s breads?

上海gm干磨店  4. Howmany pieces L left for the businessman after he ate eight?

  5. Howmany small pieces did X’s breads were divided into?

  6. Howmany pieces X left for the businessman after he ate eight?

  Thereason that Morwey only gave L one bill and X seven because the businessman ateeight pieces and only one was left from L’s while other seven pieces from X.

上海gm干磨店  Tips:we always indignant mostly because we are used to scheming, but not counting.

上海gm干磨店  翻译:公平的分配


上海gm干磨店  “下午好,两位先生。”商人向拉姆和希亚问候道。商人看起来又累又饿,所以拉姆和希亚邀请他和他们一齐吃午饭。

上海gm干磨店  “但是我们有三个人怎样分这三个面包呢?”拉姆为难了。

  “我们把面包放在一齐,再把每个面包切成均等的三块。”希亚推荐道。 把面包切开后,他们把面包平均分成三份,每个人都不多也不少。

上海gm干磨店  吃完面包后,商人坚持要给他们钱。拉姆和希亚推辞不掉,只好收下。 待商人离开后,两人一数金币的数量——8个。







上海gm干磨店  “我为什么该得7个?”希亚也觉得很奇怪。

上海gm干磨店  当毛尔维把他的分配理由解释清楚后,拉姆和希亚打偶没有对这个分配再提出异议。

上海gm干磨店  这真的是一个公平的裁决吗?



上海gm干磨店  2、每个人吃了多少块面包?



上海gm干磨店  5、希亚的面包被分成了多上块?



上海gm干磨店  点示:我们愤愤不平,太多是因为我们只会算计,不会计算。

  英文哲理故事 篇20

  Worm’s Pressure

上海gm干磨店  This is a wormwhose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps forthe reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usuallyhabited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss plants.Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 littleXC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压 making inexperiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no troubleat all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerfulenough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat.




  英文哲理故事 篇21

  The Old Cat

  An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

  Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."




上海gm干磨店  于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不要这么无情,要记住老年人在年青时所做过的有益的事情。”

  Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning?

  Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow".



  英文哲理故事 篇22

  The House of 1000 Mirrors

  Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself,“This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often.” In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself,“That is a horrible place, and I will never go backthere again.” All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kinds of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?



  英文哲理故事 篇23

上海gm干磨店  The perform master

上海gm干磨店  Front some performs the master to go on stage, his disciple told him the shoelace to be loose. The master nods expresses thanks, squats down carefully is good. When after the disciple turns around, also squats down the shoelace solution pine. Has an observer to see all these, relentlessly asked: "The master, why do you have the shoelace solution pine?" The master replies: "Because I play am a tired travel, makes a long and wearisome journey lets his shoes matter pine open, may tired display him through this detail to be thin and pale." "Why then you not directly do tell you the disciple?" "He can carefully discover my shoelace has been loose, and warm-heartedly tells me, me certainly must preserve he this kind of warm initiative, promptly encourages for him, why as for has to untie the shoelace, future will be able to have more opportunities to teach him to perform, will be allowed next again to say."

  this story told us that:Person time only can make a matter, understands grasps key, is the genuine talented person.




  英文哲理故事 篇24

  Long ago in a small, far away village, there was place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he bounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway with his ears lifted high and his tail wagging as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself staring at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly. As he left the House, he thought to himself, "This is a wonderful place. I will come back and visit it often." In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the first one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the door. When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a horrible place, and I will never go back there again."

  All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?

  As Told by Chris P. Cash

  英文哲理故事 篇25

  1:Worm’s Pressure

  This is a wormwhose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps forthe reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usuallyhabited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss plants.Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 littleXC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压 making inexperiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no troubleat all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerfulenough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat.




  英文哲理故事 篇26

上海gm干磨店  2:Facing the Reality in Silence

  Thetruest and most expressive thought was hardly be expressed.

  Weall face it alone in silence to the most important thing in life. We can talkoccasionally about love, loneliness, happiness, miseries, death and so on, butthe true meaning is hard to deliver by words. I cannot tell others how gentlemy love is; how desperate my loneliness is; my enjoyable happiness is; howdepressive my miseries is; how ridiculous my death is. I have no choice but tohide then deeply in my heart. All what I said and wrote but the product ofthinking, while thinking, to some extend, is a kind of escape which from theparticular to general, fate to life and the abyss of silence to the bank oflanguage. If they have not become

  pure/solely and abstract idea, it is merelybecause they have newly struggled out from the silence and with something hardto tell in their bodies.

  Iam not to deny the possibility of communication between human beings, but

  thecondition. It is silence, instead of words. 美特林克had an excellent explanation: the nature of silence tells the nature of one’ssoul. There is no any words may have a possibility to make a communicationbetween their soul if the two cannot share the same silence. To those who havenot solved the same questions in silence, even profound philosophy is only somepolite formulas. In fact, those superficial reader have no ability to identifythe profound philosophy and abstract thoughts, proverb and polite formulas,philosophy and 老生常谈, insipid/prosaic and commonplace,the knowledge of Buddha dharma and deceitful trick. One’s ability in wordscomprehension is based on his understanding to silence and eternally based onhis silence; that is his capacity of soul. Therefore, I insist that the lessonof one who is determined to seek the life philosophy is silence----to face hisimportant problem of sale in silence. Until he has enough accumulation and tootires to bear, all windows opened to him. This is the way that he not onlyunderstands the limited words, but also the unlimited information behind thesilence of words.


上海gm干磨店  最真实,最切己的人生感悟是找不到言辞的。

上海gm干磨店  对于人生最重大的问题,我们没跟人都是能在沉默中独自面对。我们可以一般的谈论爱情、孤独、幸福、苦难、死亡等等,但是,那属于每个人自己的真正意义始终在话语之外。我无法告诉别人我的爱情有多么温柔,我的孤独有多么绝望,我的幸福有多么美丽,我的幸福有多么美丽,我的苦难有多么沉重,我的死亡有多么荒诞。我只能把这一切藏在心中,我所说出的写出的东西只是先思考的产物,而一切思考在某种意义上都是一种逃避,从最个别的逃向一般的,从命运逃向生活,从沉默的深渊逃向语言的彼岸。如果说他们尚未沦为纯粹的空洞的概念,那也只是因为他们是从沉默中挣扎出来的,身上还散发着深渊里不可名状的事物的七夕。


  英文哲理故事 篇27


  One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk."

上海gm干磨店  "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


上海gm干磨店  一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”