
Vienna Teng的英文歌曲Gravity的介绍及歌词大意

时间:2021-10-30 08:17:38 经典歌词 投诉 投稿

上海gm干磨店关于Vienna Teng的英文歌曲Gravity的介绍及歌词大意

  Artist:Vienna Teng Song:Gravity

关于Vienna Teng的英文歌曲Gravity的介绍及歌词大意

  hey love

上海gm干磨店  is that the name you're meant to have

  for me to call

  look love

  they've given up believing

  they've turned aside our stories of the gentle fall

上海gm干磨店  but don't you believe them

上海gm干磨店  don't you drink their poison too

上海gm干磨店  these are the scars that words have carved

  on me

  hey love

上海gm干磨店  that's the name we've long held back

  from the core of truth

  so don't turn away now

  i am turning in revolution

上海gm干磨店  these are the scars that silence carved

  on me

上海gm干磨店  this is the same place

上海gm干磨店  no not the same place

  this is the same place, love

  no not the same place we've been before

  hey love

上海gm干磨店  i am a constant satellite

上海gm干磨店  of your blazing sun

  my love

上海gm干磨店  i obey your law of gravity

上海gm干磨店  this is the fate you've carved on me

  your law of gravity

  this is the fate you've carved on me

  on me

  个人首张专辑一推出,旋即获得美国各大媒体包括CBS、NPR、NBC、CNN等争相报导,受邀演出于美国艾美奖权威电视节目主持人David Letterman的节目"Late Night with David Letterman",并曾与香岱儿、琼奥斯朋同台演出。一年365天,她有140天是在路上演出及打歌,甚至还为着名民谣歌手Shawn Colvin演唱会暖场4场。

上海gm干磨店  极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。

上海gm干磨店  史逸欣很早就展露她的音乐才华。五岁开始浸淫在巴哈与萧邦的古典钢琴世界里,六岁写下自己的.第一首歌,十六岁高中时完成个人首张创作演奏专辑。大学时期的录音作品早在旧金山一带校园周边流传开来,口耳相传中她成为东岸地下音乐圈的学生才女。大学毕业前已完成个人首张专辑的录音制作。


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