

时间:2022-07-24 11:07:47 演讲稿 投诉 投稿





  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Today, I’m very glad to have the chance to run for the Chairman of the Student Union. Thanks for coming to my election campaign.

上海gm干磨店  I think I’m qualified to take the position of the chairman. First, I have the abilities that the chairman should have. For example, I have strong ability to organize students and activities. Second, I have good personality. I’m serious when faced work, at the same time, I have a sense of humor. The last but not least, I have abundant working experience.

  If I were elected the Chairman of the Student Union, I will try my best to serve the students. I plan to have a series of activities to make our life colorful, ranging from sports to study, literature to article. And I will offer help to the students who need our help. I promise I can make the students live a better life.


上海gm干磨店  My fellow students,

  Last Friday,the Students’ Union of our Department organized a clean-up project to Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this project is to enhance the environment awareness of general public. Late in the afternoon around 4,a group of 35 volunteers went to the park where we pick up the trash left by some tourists. As head of the group,I would like to report to you on the event.

上海gm干磨店  Actually,we did a wonderful job. When we were collecting the trash near the lake,many people paused to watch and then came to our help,showing considerable appreciation and support. But our work still left some to be desired. For one thing,since our project started late in the afternoon,hours were not long enough to attract enough people as we had predicted. For the other,lots of people passed by apparently not knowing what we were doing. But for these two drawbacks,our project could have been much better and more effective.

  So,following are two of my suggestions:next time we have similar activities,try to start earlier,say in the morning. In this case we can put in more hours. And also,as we are getting along,we can put up some posters to tell people what we are doing and call their attention to environment protection. Thank you.




上海gm干磨店  古人云,不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,所以人不能老满足于平庸的生活,一刻都不可以,所以我决定今天参加竞选,打算用我自己的力量为大家尽一份力,让大家有一个更好的五年级生活,所以我站在了这里,接受大家的检阅与考评,我有自信,我不会让大家失望的。希望大家能够支持我,鼓励我。

上海gm干磨店  我认为,能力不是最重要的,因为能力可以慢慢培养,没有人一生下来就是天才吧?但是,对这个班级的热爱一定是最重要的,因为那直接决定了你能不能带领这个班级走得更好,虽说是我带领,不如说是大家一起用双手打造出来的我相信我们大家一定可以做到!为什么呢?

上海gm干磨店  第一,我有热情,我有满腔的热血。如果你们相信我的话,我一定会尽我的全力回报大家,作为班长,我不是领导大家对大家发号施令,而是人民公仆啊,我是一个孜孜不倦勤勤恳恳的服务者,我相信在我的各种服务之下,班级一定会更加紧密团结,一定会有更大的凝聚力,一定会有更好的.成绩!


上海gm干磨店  当然空口无凭,如果我有幸成为了班长,我会做到以下几点:

上海gm干磨店  1.勤勤恳恳,扎扎实实地完成所有老师交代的任务。



上海gm干磨店  4.给予所有人我力所能及的帮助以上先是这些,在以后的生活中我会继续努力为大家服务得更好。



  Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Thank you for coming to this election campaign today. With the trust and complete support of my team, I am delighted to announce that I am running for chairman of the Student Union.

  As a diligent man with pleasant personality, I have been always considered to be a good team member. Meanwhile, as a big fan of sports I fully realize the importance of teamwork and advocate the spirit of being quicker and stronger. I possess strong determination to take firm steps toward achieving the objectives of my team. In addition, my working experience with the Student Union in the past two years will be extremely helpful to my future work here if I get elected.

  A sign of a really strong organization is that it can change its leadership without hindering its progress and without damaging its values. If I am elected, I believe I have the capability to lead the Union to advance in the right direction. I will cooperate well with my fellow members of the Union and take innovative measures, including establishing a student-information center, forming a teacher-student-friendship association, to make the Union a true assistance to students' study and life here as well as a bridge of communication between teachers and students.

上海gm干磨店  Thank you very much.


上海gm干磨店  Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen:

上海gm干磨店  since i came to the college, i have been holding positions of class and youth league union. i also have done some pragmatic work for the university and our schoolmates. during the communication with our schoolmates, i feel it deep that the cohesion of a unit lies in a developing and advancing collective, while the strength for it comes from sincerity, understanding and contributions. as a leader of student, one should have a firm belief with sacrifice. as a leader of student, one should be willing to make up the gap between man and man, idea and reality with his fierce feelings. as a leader of student, one should not be selfish. what he seeks for is to work hard and give himself up to the service.

  i, as one of the thousands of students of economy college, am proud of it. i would be more willing to take up the duty belonging to me. this is my initial hope. this is why i am standing here today.


  Since I came to the college, I have been holding positions of class and youth league union. I also have done some pragmatic work for the university and our schoolmates. During the communication with our schoolmates, I feel it deep that the cohesion of a unit lies in a developing and advancing collective, while the strength for it comes from sincerity, understanding and contributions. As a leader of student, one should have a firm belief with sacrifice. As a leader of student, one should be willing to make up the gap between man and man, idea and reality with his fierce feelings. As a leader of student, one should not be selfish. What he seeks for is to work hard and give himself up to the service.

上海gm干磨店  I, as one of the thousands of students of Economy College, am proud of it. I would be more willing to take up the duty belonging to me. This is my initial hope. This is why I am standing here today.

上海gm干磨店  I remember one candidate himself said loudly, "Should I leave the position quietly or be bold to stay?" During the last competition for student union. As a result, he was bold to stay for the position. To day, I would like to let everyone know that I hope that I will be kept for the position. Even though I fail, I won't leave quietly and angrily out of spite because I am a member of Economy College, and because my roots are in the Mei Campus.

上海gm干磨店  No mater where I go, Mei Campus always stays with me and my deep feelings to it always keeps in me. I would like to work heart and soul, for my love of Mei Campus. I earnestly hope to contribute my feelings and fervently hope to share the happiness and be concerned about the worries with every one of Mei campus.










劳动委员竞选演讲稿 劳动委员 竞选04-13