

时间:2023-06-11 08:47:55 专题作文 投诉 投稿


上海gm干磨店  无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的学英语作文5篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


学英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays, with the development of economic, more and more people have the ability to give a better education to their children. And in their eyes, study overseas is better in the domestic school. So, there are plenty of people send their kids to study abroad in a young age. They think they are doing good things for their baby. But I don’t agree with them. Going to study abroad at young age is not good for young kids.


  To begin with, teenagers are not independent enough to take care of themselves. With the publishment of one children policy, most family just has one child. They are the apple in their parents’ eyes. In order to make them live better, parents will do most things for them. How can they look after themselves in abroad? If they go abroad in such a young age, they may under great stress. If so, how can they devote themselves to study? As a result, going abroad for study has no good news. Even it will have bad influence on their little heart.

上海gm干磨店  首先,孩子们还没有足够的独立能力去照顾自己。由于独生子女政策的实行,大多数家庭只有一个孩子。他们是父母的掌上明珠。为了能让他们过得更好,大部分事情父母都会为他们办好。他们怎么能够在国外照顾自己呢?如果他们在这么小的年纪就出国,他们可以要承受很大的压力。如果是这样,他们如何能够潜心学习呢?因此,出国留学一点都不好。甚至对他们幼小的心灵会有不良影响。

  In addition, teenagers’ discipline always is not very good. Not many people have a good self-discipline, special in the young age. When the children go abroad, they don’t have parents accompanied with them to remind them what should do and what shouldn’t do. It is easy for them to be attracted by some bad temptation. At that time, no one knows what happen to the kids. In a long time, it may have bad effect on their life.


  In general, I don’t think going to study abroad at young age is good for kids to grow up healthily. They need parents around them. They can goo abroad when they grow up.

上海gm干磨店  总的来说,我不认为年幼留学有助于孩子们的健康成长。他们需要父母在身边。他们可以长大点后再去留学。

学英语作文 篇2



  1. People who like travelling have their reasons. ___________________________________

  2. Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. __________________________________

  3. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. _______________________________


上海gm干磨店  "People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have.

上海gm干磨店  Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and accommodation require money walking while seeing sights often tires you.

  In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If you finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and thing that you will probably grow to like and love."

上海gm干磨店  Type:根据给出的关键词写出全文

上海gm干磨店  Question:Family Planning

上海gm干磨店  birth-control slogan living standards low birth rate one couple-one child strategic policy achieve adopt advocate carry out enforce raise strengthen


  China has adopted the policy of family planning as a necessity since the 1970s. The basic content of China's family planning policy is to advocate late marriage and late childbirth. And the government has been campaigning hard with the birth-control slogan "one couple-one child"

上海gm干磨店  With the adoption of the family planning police, the population has been changed toward low birth rate. As a result, it enjoys

学英语作文 篇3

上海gm干磨店  It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being a student is not just about attending classes and showing up during examinations. I’m here to be empowered. To gain knowledge is all about empowerment. And wish that someday, I could use that knowledge to make a significant contribution to the society.

学英语作文 篇4

  Huamei is the garden as well as a school we live and study in. It has more green trees than the classrooms. When you come into our school,you can see two tall buildings.In the buildings there are two computer rooms,an art room,a music room a library and many classrooms. I like to go to the library,because I like reading books.My teachers often tell us:“Reading is good for you.”Near the buildings there is a big playground.We can play football,basketball and games on it.

  My school is far away from the city, the air here is fresh and bright, we have some special activates except the normal classes. Every Monday and Wednesday’s afternoon, we join our favorite clubs ,there are Sports Club, Music Club, Art Club, Writing Club and so on. It is important for us to join some clubs, because we can have fun and learn something new about other things.

  The students come from different country. We study and play together. We get up early to do exercise in the morning ,when you come to our school very early, you can see many lovely children are doing the morning exercise, they run after each other, they jump to the trees, sit on the 3 elephants, play with their dear teachers, it is very peaceful.

上海gm干磨店  The teachers here are kind and nice. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. My school is wonderful, I want to grow up at my school.

上海gm干磨店  Let's talk about our school's cleanliness. I think we still have a lot to do with it. First, we should clean the whole school at least txice a day. Second, I know many students like eating lunch in the playground so that they can have more time to play basketball or play football. I think it is really a bad habit. We should protect our school's cleanliness, not destory! In some ways, our shcool is not very clean. But it is much better now than before. I hope our school will be much cleaner. That's all. Thank you!

学英语作文 篇5

上海gm干磨店  20xxthis summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

  We lodged at a friends's house.

上海gm干磨店  Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friend's mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

上海gm干磨店  My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

  After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

  Well, I'm waiting for my second day's diary.










